Friday, November 30, 2012

Advice for Teachers from Teachers (How to build rapport with students)

Advice for Teachers from Teachers (How to build rapport with students)

1. Greet students at the door
2. Interact with students while they are getting settled, asking about their weekend, their game, the movie they saw, the birthday party they went to, etc
3. During discussions, allow some off topic but relevant exchange regarding connections to current events and student experiences the topic being addressed
4. Conference with students to encourage completion and/or improvement of assignments, explaining current and future implications
5. Listen to individual complaints, modifying assignments, due dates, or grading for special circumstances when appropriate. Let the students know you care and are flexible.
6. Send home letter/postcard/email with positive message to student/parent.
7. Give each student a card and their favorite candy bar on their birthday.
8. Highlight a student of the week, just because they are part of the class.
9. Tell the entire class you are glad they are here and ready to learn.
10. Have students write positive affirmations to each classmate.
11. Write personal positive affirmations to each student (contingent or non-contingent based.)
12. Give your full attention to a student as he or she talks to you; smile or nod appropriately.
13. Be willing to give a pat on the back, high 5, thumbs up etc
14. Phone call home just to say you enjoy their student in your class.
15. Leave sticky notes on random desks once a week saying, “Glad you’re here,” “It’s great to see you,” or “I appreciate you,” et
16. Every so often spend the last 5 minutes of the class asking students questions about their life.
17. Ask students to be teacher assistants.
18. Have a “lunch brunch.” Invite students to spend lunch with you.
19. Attend extra-curricular activities.
20. Tutor students before/after school.
21. Learn about students’ favorite professional students
22. Learn about their pets.
23. Use student names on test questions.
24. Bring treats for the entire class when something great happens (e.g. popular team wins the Super Bowl or someone has received a special honor outside of school).
25. Celebrate birthdays even in a small way.
26. Say goodbye at end of day (high five).
27. Smile when walking down the halls.
28. Share personal information when appropriate and listen to their stories.
29. Take 2-5 minutes each morning to ask how they’re doing and listen to what they have to say.
30. Once a week each lunch with them.
31. Play on the playground with them once a week or month.
32. At the end of the year write the class a letter telling what you have personally learned and gained from each student.
33. Have fun with them
34. Even when a student makes a mistake, remind them tomorrow is a new day, and greet them with a smile.

“Successfully Teaching Challenging Students” by Dahlgren et al. - From a 1 day seminar that Mr. Everhard and I attended earlier this school year.

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