Wednesday, November 13, 2013

IEP - Description of the impact of the student’s disability on his or her progress and involvement in the general curriculum

In our Self-Assessment of Procedural Compliance last year we reviewed the Individualized Education Program: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (I-4) to see whether it includes a description of the impact of the student’s disability on his or her progress and involvement in the general curriculum.

This is still an area which is a struggle for special education staff based upon reviews of several IEPs this year. The tendency is to discuss/write more about environment than it is curriculum.  

Here are the guidelines to follow and think about: 
The present level of educational performance must include how the student’s disability affects his or her involvement and progress in the general curriculum. General curriculum is the same curriculum as nondisabled students. It is the common core of subjects and curriculum areas adopted by each LEA, or schools within the LEA, that applies to all students within each general age grouping from early childhood (3-5) through secondary school.

For an early childhood (3-5) student, the present level must address how the student’s disability affects his or her participation in age-appropriate activities. “Appropriate activities” means activities that students of that chronological age typically engage in as part of a formal early childhood (3-5) program or in informal activities, for example coloring, prereading activities, play time, sharing time, listening to stories read by teachers or parents.

A statement that just acknowledges that a student’s disability impacts his/her performance is not sufficient. Look for statements that tell how the student’s progress is impacted by the disability

General Education Curriculum
General education curriculum refers to what the student will be taught, not where the student will be taught. The general education curriculum is the common core of subjects and other curricular areas adopted by the district, or school within a district, for all students within each general age 
or grade grouping from preschool through secondary school. “Full time in the general curriculum” means the student’s instruction addresses the standards for nondisabled children in the student’s general age or grade grouping in all areas of the LEA’s curriculum. A student with a disability 
may participate in the general curriculum with or without accommodations. A student may participate in the general education curriculum even if the student receives instruction in a special education environment (e.g. resource room).

A Guide for Writing IEPs
Here is a link to the Guide for Writing IEPs as developed by DPI.  This includes 3 sample IEPs which can be reviewed for examples how to write this section of the IEP (starting with page 25).  There is 1 example for preschool and 2 examples for school age children. I have also attached the most recent DPI guide to this email.

I can also work with you individually and/or talk about at next building special education meeting. 


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