Tuesday, November 15, 2011

SB 154 and ACT 309: Major Provisions in Pupil Records Release

1. Pupil records may now be released to law enforcement officers as they would to regular school employees if the law enforcement officer is individually designated and specifically assigned to the school.

2. Requires the release of pertinent pupil records to law enforcement or the district attorney if the officer or attorney stipulate in writing that the records are necessary for the juvenile justice system or to provide services for the student.

3. Repeals a previous provision that mandated school districts notify parents if they released pupil information to a law enforcement agency. School districts now may notify if they wish but are not required to do so (especially in the situation of an ongoing investigation).

4. Allows the school district at its discretion to release information to school district employees regarding the potential of harm that a student presents towards others.

5. Requires that the district attorney make a (reasonable attempt) to notify the school when one of its students is criminally charged and notify the school district of the disposition of the case.

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