Can apply for CEIS funds at anytime next year. Used to have a deadline of Nov 1. CEIS supplement districts support of interventions. Funds used for students without disabilities. Interventions applied for 4K to 12 implemented with fidelity and for students not receiving special education. LEA required to report annually. Completed through ISES - work with Jennifer. Have to report on at least 1 student and which intervention was used.
Data based universal screening. No CEIS funds. Additional services and supports above the Core. Not differentiated instruction. Interventions must be done with fidelity. Yes to using CEIS funds. Data collected on student RTI. Frequent monitoring, data drives future support. Yes to CEIS funds. Staff need training to implement properly. Some CEIS funds.
Administer math screener to all kids in 2nd grade. Students at risk attend specialized after school math tutoring. Bi weekly math mini assessment. Data drives support.
Many unallowed costs - curriculum, universal screening, computers, technology, sped evals, sped staff, related services. If you do purchase iPad - can only use with that CEIS student. No other students.
Fundable costs - salary and fringe of staff providing services, general Ed, pupil services, tutors, aides. Intervention instructional materials, software. You could purchase district wide software.
Must use CEIS only on targeted student(s) - contact Dan and Jayne. They must provide name of 1 student she was working with and data.
Data collected as part of CEIS can be used when considering if student meets SLD criteria.
We need the nu,her of students receiving services through CEIS. Also which of these qualify for sped services within the next two years. Need a list of the students who received services - specific names of the kids.
To complete the CEIS narrative:
Is there a universal screener in place
How will students receiving CEIS services be identified
Who will collect the student data
How will other pieces of RTI be funded
Where will the CEIS funds be spent
How will this coordinate with other district plans
CEIS can be up to 15 percent of your IDEA budget. Doesn't have to be that much.
In order to be an intervention has to. E fidelity, set time of when doing it, not in classroom really - that would be differentiated curriculum, those implementing the intervention must know aMount of time and type of intervention. In ISES don't report kids in speech language as getting intervention. They could still receive the intervention though,. Only report in ISEzs those kids getting the CEIS intervention but not in sped.
This blog focuses on Special Education, School Counseling, PBIS, ELL, Early Education, Assistive Technology, Medford Adult Diploma Academy, Alternative High School, Response to Intervention, Educational Technology, Apple iPads, and Legal Updates.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference Notes
Time and Effort reporting - must keep as records in district. Keep for 4 years. Percentage of time of staff coded to a federal grant like Title or Sped. Personnel Activity Reports completed at least monthly. Semi annual certification. Semi annual certification example has the employee sign their name. Another example has just the principal sign off that all four employees worked 100% in sped. One PAR example had 80% in title and 20% in regular education. The employee signs that form. Has to be actual amount of work not estimated.
Double check the staff that are coded for Time and Effort are 100% out of sped budget and working with sped students.
High Cost Categorical Aid
Look up this info to see how we can apply for this
Medicaid Reimbursement
Review with staff which students are eligible for attendant care services. Describe attendant care services again.
Check with CESA on funding level for 11-12 and how much we received in 12-13. Budget appropriately for 12-13.
Categorical Aid
Double check with human resources and business department on which sped staff have sped licenses and who we are getting categorical aid on.
IDEA Budget
Regularly review budget allowables to determine what we can take out of IDEA and also can't take out.
Make sure all staff are licensed in sped.double check with Pam and Jeff get a list of staff from them.
If paid for out of 100% out of sped then can only use for sped. They said to pay for out of regular Ed funds but use sped funds to add wheelchair lift.
Unallowed cost
Can't contract with private vendor for services provided directly to student for autism or psych services. Psych eval you could.
Act 105
LEAs can contract with private vendors for services directly to student including nursing, OT, PT, and now audiology, speech language, educational interpreter, orientation and mobility, transition services. DPI is working on what Transition Services means. Will place on their website.
Property Management
Non capital equipment is considered high risk. iPods, iPads, lap tops, etc. keep track of them. Know where they are located and how it is being used. If you put sped equipment like iPads in regular education room, then the teacher needs to know how to use technology for the sped kids in the room. DPI will be asking those questions. Teachers can't say don't know or it is being used for all kids not just those with sped needs.
Equitable Services
Based on location of private schools.
LEA fails to maintain effort by $10,000. District must use local funds to pay back $10,000 to Dept of Ed.
IDEA and Preschool
This will be decrease budget amountbin IDEA in 11-12. Budget adjustments might need to be made. No adjustments to Preschool. Keep checking for how much budget reduction will be.
Private School set aside
Proportionate share calculation for IDEA and Preschool separately. Count all students eligible for sped not just those receiving sped services age 3-21. Preschool is ages 3-5. Count is from October 1 of the prior year. Count those in private school even if parents do not want services. Who we count for private schools is in our district. No elementary grade for three year olds. Only count three year olds only if in a 4K program. Once a child is enrolled in a private school no longer covered by FAPE just would do a Services Plan.
*****We need to figure out how much money we are setting aside for private schools. Our obligation to private schools end when our money is out which was set aside.
Set aside is determined July 1, 2011 - you have until June 30, 2013 to spend. (24 months). You must plan to set aside each year though.
Direct Services - You can include costs of transportation to related services In private schools. Speech, PT, DHH etc. Indirect services - sped training for private school personnel.
Non eligible expenditures - sped evals, child find activities, administrative costs (clerical, director). Can apply to IDEA just not equitable services
Expenditures not allowed - remodeling of private schools, paying salaries of private school staff for part of their regular duties, RTI costs.
No disposable items like iPads, FM systems, textbooks belong to LEA not private school. No incidental benefit. When student isnt using it any more, the LEA must get back.
****We need to have supporting documentation showing how money was spent in private school. This could be a staff member schedule as part of that on file.
Reminder to set aside preschool and IDEA funds for private schools. You don't have to claim out of preschool - you could claim completely out of IDEA. $1500 for preschool and $16000 for IDEA. You can take $17500 out of IDEA flow through completely.
*****DPI is going to monitor equitable services this spring. Have documentation ready to show.
No deadline for meeting with private schools on annual basis but should probably be before school year starts,
iDEA - no limit on what can be carried over. Used to be 25 percent. Now there is no limit.
Jeff said easier to meet MOE now die to increased carryover amount. MOE is federal requirement and looks at local expenditures not federal grants. MOE has two tests - what is budgeted (eligibility) and then compliance (end of year). Submit by Dec 1.
Exceptions - Karen Lach and Monica De Groot retire. Replaced with Amy Wagner and Paul Boettcher. You can use difference. Decrease in enrollment of sped students. High cost student moved out of district. Purchase of costly capital item Iike sped bus is purchased out of state categorical aids. 50% rule. You can use multiple exceptions. There are differences between SEA and LEA MOE.
Schoolwide Title
LEA can use funds under IDEA to support Schoolwide title. Any activities that support district approved action strategies in ESEA plan. Universal costs - salaries, contracted costs, RTI, materials, etc. expend funds at the school level. Must have approved title I Schoolwide schools.
IDEA is $100,000 and Preschool is $10,000 equals $110,000 divided. H number of sped students like 73. Equals $1,500 per capita. Take $1,500 times number of sped students in Schoolwide schools like 44. 44 times $1,500 equals $66,000 in each school. Calculation is only a fiscal year allocation. No carryover included from prior year. Funds must be for students who attend that school full time. DPI has a calculator which figures all this out. This is the ceiling or Max amount ($66,000 for example).
Funds are In support of a schools title I Schoolwide activities. No disposable items like laptops, iPads etc can be used with all students but are still monitored and purchased with IDEA funds. iPads should be labeled as IDEA federal funded and described as used to help improve student achievement.
CEIS - option for all, restricted allowables (interventions only, no sped staff), district level, narrative and data collection. Cold get district wide reading computer program.
Title I - option for schoolwide schools only, flexible allowables, school level only, no narrative or data collection. Could only get reading computer program for that school.
You can choose both to implement RTI in schools.
Could use Title I Schoolwide at elementary and CEIS at high school for example.
fund 10 function 110000 regular education Project code 341
This flexibility may not always be here. Moving IDEA funds over to local costs helps with MOE. This can be done through Schoolwide title. Helps support RTI. Invest in RTI.
We shouldn't take sped staff out of flow through. Use that money for Schoolwide title activities. Then we can take those sped staff out of general fund to generate categorical aid revenue.
Double check the staff that are coded for Time and Effort are 100% out of sped budget and working with sped students.
High Cost Categorical Aid
Look up this info to see how we can apply for this
Medicaid Reimbursement
Review with staff which students are eligible for attendant care services. Describe attendant care services again.
Check with CESA on funding level for 11-12 and how much we received in 12-13. Budget appropriately for 12-13.
Categorical Aid
Double check with human resources and business department on which sped staff have sped licenses and who we are getting categorical aid on.
IDEA Budget
Regularly review budget allowables to determine what we can take out of IDEA and also can't take out.
Make sure all staff are licensed in sped.double check with Pam and Jeff get a list of staff from them.
If paid for out of 100% out of sped then can only use for sped. They said to pay for out of regular Ed funds but use sped funds to add wheelchair lift.
Unallowed cost
Can't contract with private vendor for services provided directly to student for autism or psych services. Psych eval you could.
Act 105
LEAs can contract with private vendors for services directly to student including nursing, OT, PT, and now audiology, speech language, educational interpreter, orientation and mobility, transition services. DPI is working on what Transition Services means. Will place on their website.
Property Management
Non capital equipment is considered high risk. iPods, iPads, lap tops, etc. keep track of them. Know where they are located and how it is being used. If you put sped equipment like iPads in regular education room, then the teacher needs to know how to use technology for the sped kids in the room. DPI will be asking those questions. Teachers can't say don't know or it is being used for all kids not just those with sped needs.
Equitable Services
Based on location of private schools.
LEA fails to maintain effort by $10,000. District must use local funds to pay back $10,000 to Dept of Ed.
IDEA and Preschool
This will be decrease budget amountbin IDEA in 11-12. Budget adjustments might need to be made. No adjustments to Preschool. Keep checking for how much budget reduction will be.
Private School set aside
Proportionate share calculation for IDEA and Preschool separately. Count all students eligible for sped not just those receiving sped services age 3-21. Preschool is ages 3-5. Count is from October 1 of the prior year. Count those in private school even if parents do not want services. Who we count for private schools is in our district. No elementary grade for three year olds. Only count three year olds only if in a 4K program. Once a child is enrolled in a private school no longer covered by FAPE just would do a Services Plan.
*****We need to figure out how much money we are setting aside for private schools. Our obligation to private schools end when our money is out which was set aside.
Set aside is determined July 1, 2011 - you have until June 30, 2013 to spend. (24 months). You must plan to set aside each year though.
Direct Services - You can include costs of transportation to related services In private schools. Speech, PT, DHH etc. Indirect services - sped training for private school personnel.
Non eligible expenditures - sped evals, child find activities, administrative costs (clerical, director). Can apply to IDEA just not equitable services
Expenditures not allowed - remodeling of private schools, paying salaries of private school staff for part of their regular duties, RTI costs.
No disposable items like iPads, FM systems, textbooks belong to LEA not private school. No incidental benefit. When student isnt using it any more, the LEA must get back.
****We need to have supporting documentation showing how money was spent in private school. This could be a staff member schedule as part of that on file.
Reminder to set aside preschool and IDEA funds for private schools. You don't have to claim out of preschool - you could claim completely out of IDEA. $1500 for preschool and $16000 for IDEA. You can take $17500 out of IDEA flow through completely.
*****DPI is going to monitor equitable services this spring. Have documentation ready to show.
No deadline for meeting with private schools on annual basis but should probably be before school year starts,
iDEA - no limit on what can be carried over. Used to be 25 percent. Now there is no limit.
Jeff said easier to meet MOE now die to increased carryover amount. MOE is federal requirement and looks at local expenditures not federal grants. MOE has two tests - what is budgeted (eligibility) and then compliance (end of year). Submit by Dec 1.
Exceptions - Karen Lach and Monica De Groot retire. Replaced with Amy Wagner and Paul Boettcher. You can use difference. Decrease in enrollment of sped students. High cost student moved out of district. Purchase of costly capital item Iike sped bus is purchased out of state categorical aids. 50% rule. You can use multiple exceptions. There are differences between SEA and LEA MOE.
Schoolwide Title
LEA can use funds under IDEA to support Schoolwide title. Any activities that support district approved action strategies in ESEA plan. Universal costs - salaries, contracted costs, RTI, materials, etc. expend funds at the school level. Must have approved title I Schoolwide schools.
IDEA is $100,000 and Preschool is $10,000 equals $110,000 divided. H number of sped students like 73. Equals $1,500 per capita. Take $1,500 times number of sped students in Schoolwide schools like 44. 44 times $1,500 equals $66,000 in each school. Calculation is only a fiscal year allocation. No carryover included from prior year. Funds must be for students who attend that school full time. DPI has a calculator which figures all this out. This is the ceiling or Max amount ($66,000 for example).
Funds are In support of a schools title I Schoolwide activities. No disposable items like laptops, iPads etc can be used with all students but are still monitored and purchased with IDEA funds. iPads should be labeled as IDEA federal funded and described as used to help improve student achievement.
CEIS - option for all, restricted allowables (interventions only, no sped staff), district level, narrative and data collection. Cold get district wide reading computer program.
Title I - option for schoolwide schools only, flexible allowables, school level only, no narrative or data collection. Could only get reading computer program for that school.
You can choose both to implement RTI in schools.
Could use Title I Schoolwide at elementary and CEIS at high school for example.
fund 10 function 110000 regular education Project code 341
This flexibility may not always be here. Moving IDEA funds over to local costs helps with MOE. This can be done through Schoolwide title. Helps support RTI. Invest in RTI.
We shouldn't take sped staff out of flow through. Use that money for Schoolwide title activities. Then we can take those sped staff out of general fund to generate categorical aid revenue.
Friday, February 24, 2012
SPP: Special Education Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment
SPP: Special Education Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) is responsible for developing and implementing methods to ensure public agencies comply with requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 and Subchapter V, Chapter 115, Stats. The WDPI must develop and implement effective methods to identify noncompliance and to ensure noncompliance is corrected as soon as possible, but no later than one year after identification. As part of this effort, WDPI conducts cyclical compliance monitoring of public agencies.
Cyclical compliance monitoring is conducted through a public agency self-assessment of special education requirements. The assessment uses samples of students' individualized education program records and other sources. The self-assessment includes selected requirements of IDEA 2004 and state law, which are closely related to improving student outcomes. Each year, the WDPI conducts validation activities to ensure accurate reporting and verifies that all public agencies have corrected student level noncompliance and are in current compliance.
FY 2012-FY2016 Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Cycle
Standards and Directions for FY2012-FY2016
Comparison of 2005-2011 Cycle to 2012-2016 Cycle
Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Cycle
Teresa Goodier, 608-267-2947
Courtney Reed Jenkins, 608-267-9183
Allison Markoski, 608-266-3126
Marge Resan, 608-267-9158
Paul Sherman, 608-267-9157
Christina Spector, 608-267-3747
Paula Volpiansky, 608-267-3725
Patricia Williams, 608-267-3720
If you have questions about the self-assessment process that are not answered in this section or on the Self-Assessment Questions and Answers page, please submit your question by email.
For questions about this information, contact Paul Sherman 608-267-9157 or Patricia Williams 608-267-3720.


Cyclical compliance monitoring is conducted through a public agency self-assessment of special education requirements. The assessment uses samples of students' individualized education program records and other sources. The self-assessment includes selected requirements of IDEA 2004 and state law, which are closely related to improving student outcomes. Each year, the WDPI conducts validation activities to ensure accurate reporting and verifies that all public agencies have corrected student level noncompliance and are in current compliance.
One-fifth of the public agencies are monitored each year beginning with the 2011-12 school year. All public agencies will be monitored during the current IDEA State Performance Plan (SPP) cycle. The self-assessments are conducted in the fall of each year and results are reported to the WDPI in November. All noncompliance must be corrected as soon as possible, but no later than one year after identification. WDPI verifies correction of all noncompliance. Annually, data on the self-assessments and the correction of noncompliance is reported for SPP indicator 15 to the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. Data for indicator 11 is collected through the Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment.Participating Public Agencies
The WDPI monitors approximately 440 public agencies. One-fifth are monitored each year. Each year's group of public agencies is representative of the state for pupil enrollment, areas of disability, gender, ethnicity and race. Public agencies with average daily membership of 50,000 or more participate in compliance monitoring activities each year.FY 2012-FY2016 Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Cycle

Comparison of 2005-2011 Cycle to 2012-2016 Cycle
Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Cycle

Training and Technical Assistance
- Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Visuals
- Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Manual
This manual contains the directions, standards, forms, and guidelines needed to complete the self-assessment. The PowerPoint presentations below (and accompanying webcasts) review the information in the manual and explain the standards, forms, and guidelines. The manual is divided into sections which have specific webpages devoted to that section. These are shown on the left nav bar.
The Self-Assessment Training Modules 4 and 5 are expected to be available early September and modules 6 and 7 by early October.
- Self-Assessment Training, Section 1, Overview
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation - Self-Assessment Training, Section 2, Conducting the Self-Assessment: Sampling
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation - Self-Assessment Training, Section 3, Conducting the Self-Assessment: Evaluating Compliance
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation - Self-Assessment Training, Section 4, Reporting Results and Corrective Actions Using the Electronic Reporting System
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation - Self-Assessment Training, Section 5, Correcting Noncompliance and Systems of Internal Control
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation - Self-Assessment Training, Section 6, Validation Activities
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation - Self-Assessment Training, Section 7, Verification Activities
Recorded Webinar - High Definition Version - PowerPoint Presentation
Procedural Compliance Workgroup
Janice Duff, 414-227-1845Teresa Goodier, 608-267-2947
Courtney Reed Jenkins, 608-267-9183
Allison Markoski, 608-266-3126
Marge Resan, 608-267-9158
Paul Sherman, 608-267-9157
Christina Spector, 608-267-3747
Paula Volpiansky, 608-267-3725
Patricia Williams, 608-267-3720
If you have questions about the self-assessment process that are not answered in this section or on the Self-Assessment Questions and Answers page, please submit your question by email.
For questions about this information, contact Paul Sherman 608-267-9157 or Patricia Williams 608-267-3720.
Last updated on 1/19/2012 9:38:27 AM
Round Table of Community Providers on Feb 28 in Medford
Round Table of Community Providers
Everyone is welcome to join us to learn more about the many resources and services that are available here in Taylor County. This is the first time that all of these great organizations are available to tell the community about their services.
Date: Tuesday February 28
Times: 2:15 to 3:30 pm or
4:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: Medford Area Elementary School Media Room
Providers will include:
Indianhead Community Action Agency
Taylor County Parent Resource Center
Taylor County Family Support Services
Taylor County Birth to Three Services
Taylor County Mental Health Services
Taylor County Health Department
Wisconsin Early Autism Project
Medford Adult Diploma Academy
Taylor County Literacy Council
Northwest CEP
Stepping Stones
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Abiding Care Pregnancy and Resource Center
University of Wisconsin Extension
Taylor County Special Olympics
Taylor County Special Olympics
Taylor County Special Olympics will be joining our Round Table of Community Providers! Please join us to learn more about Special Olympics and other great organizations here in Taylor County. Join us on Tuesday February 28 from 2:15 to 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:30 at MAES in the Media Room.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Special Education and Student Services Newsletter for February 21
1. Mikey Sherwood
One year ago we lost one of our students with disabilities - Mike Sherwood - who was a victim of suicide. He is still missed by his family, friends, and staff.
Thank you for the support, love, and kindness that you provide our students and each other. You all do make a positive difference. Thank you for building the students and each other up. I consider all of us (staff, students, and parents) as part of a large special education and student services family.
2. Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory Reporting Training
We have held these the past two weeks (MAES and MAMS) and will hold another one tonight as part of the MASH building special education meeting. All staff within 5 years need to be trained. Any new staff hired in 11-12 have to be trained by June 2012 and future new staff have to be trained within 6 months of being hired. The district will plan additional training opportunities for staff unable to attend tonight or the past two weeks.
We will meet tonight at MASH in PC Computer Lab 215. This is for certified and support staff in special education.
3. Special Education Family Day: Snowshoeing
Date: Thursday February 23
Time: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: Kuse Nature Preserve - meet at Medford Area Elementary School Gymnasium
Who: Students and staff in special education along with their families
The Special Education Advisory Council is proud to present our Winter Event – Snowshoeing!
Special education students along with their parents and siblings can snowshoe through the Kuse Nature Preserve behind MAES. Afterwards, hot chocolate and cookies will be provided to help warm up the snowshoeing enthusiasts.
Snowshoes will be available for all parents and children or you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own. Staff will be available to help to any parents or children learn this great activity! Our Special Education Family Day is a free event for all the participants.
We hope that you will join us on February 23rd!
4. Round Table of Community Providers on February 28
February 28 from 2:15 to 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:30 in the MAES media room.
All are invited to attend to learn more about these organizations and services available in the community. Scheduled to appear: Indianhead Community Action Agency, Parent Resource Center, Taylor County Special Olympics, Health Department, Family Support Services, Medford Adult Diploma Academy, Taylor County Literacy Council, Taylor County Mental Health Services, Stepping Stones, Wisconsin Early Autism Project, Northwest CEP, and more
5. Dr. Laura Shank and Achieve Center
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Laura Shank from the Achieve Center will be coming to the Medford Area Public School District for a presentation on behavioral strategies/intervention for students with autism spectrum disorder and share information on the Achieve Center. Dr. Shank is a rehabilitation psychologist and neuropsychologist at the Achieve Center. We are in the process of confirming a date and will pass along that information when it comes available.
6. School Psychologist Long Term Substitute
The school district was unable to find a long term substitute for MAMS and MASH School Psychologist Jessica Martin on her FMLA leave. I will be filling those job responsibilities in her absence due to my school psychologist license. I tentatively plan to work out of her MAMS office on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will work out of the District Office on Tuesday and Thursday.
7. Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 online training
We will meet at 3:30 at MAES in the computer lab to review the Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 online videos. There will also be checklists for Steps 1-6 and 7-12 shared for best practice implementation.
8. Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference
I will be out of district on Monday and returning Tuesday early afternoon. There is a Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference focusing on Maintenance of Effort, Special Education, Title I, CEIS, and other budgetary measures.
9. Bookshare
I have communicated with Dennis H about Bookshare (www.bookshare.com). If you have an iPad in your classroom, then you are encouraged to use the Read2Go application to access bookshare materials. If you need to read/download audio files from bookshare on your computer, contact your building support person. Contact me for the username and password for our district account.
10. Career Fair
Recognition to Sue Eloranta and her organizing the 4th grade Career Fair Unit which was held earlier today at MAES. Pictures are posted on our Medford Area Public School District Special Education and Student Services Facebook page.
11. Budget
Reminder that special education budgets are scheduled to be due to the D.O. on Friday. If you need another week or have questions, please contact me.
12. Student Services Team
Student Services Team met on Monday. If you have an interest in any of these items which were discussed, please contact me or a Student Services Team member:
1. Child Abuse Reporting and Neglect Training in Compliance with Wisconsin Act 81
2. Section 504 legal update
3. New Safety Trainings in Schools requirements
4. Student Services Activities Google Calendar
5. Suicide Prevention Policy review
6. Medford Adult Diploma Academy update
7. Round Table of Community Providers update
8. School Nursing Resources from DPI
13. ELL Services
Lucia will be out of district from Mar. 22 through April 11th. Mauricio Rios will be filling her translation and tutoring responsibilities at SES and MAES while she is gone.
14. Facebook and Other Social Media For Parents
CLC Adult Education Training on Facebook and Other Social Media for Parents. This will be held on Monday March 5 at MASH in PC Computer Lab. $10.00 per person.
15. Sotos Syndrome
We have a student who has been identified with Sotos Syndrome. Here is a link to resources on this syndrome: http://jgreget.blogspot.com/2012/01/sotos-syndrome.html
16. Wilson Reading Video Series Resources:
Introduction to the 10 Critical Points, The Ten Critical Points, Introduction to the Lesson Plan Format, The Lesson Plan Format, Group Lesson with Younger Students. If you are interested in watching any of these, please contact me.
17. Richard Lavoie - LD/Social Skills Video Series
The Motivation Breakthrough
Last One Picked..First One Picked On
It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend
Understanding Learning Disabilities: How Difficult Can This Be?
Beyond F.A.T. (Frustration, Anxiety, and Tension) City: A Look Back and A Look Ahead
If you are interested in watching any of these, please contact me.
18. Read Write and Gold
Read Write and Gold can be installed on any iPad at MAMS. This provides access to Reading Text Outloud, Speech (type in words and will speak out loud), Dictionary, and Audiobooks. It has been installed on 4 iPads right now for a trial purpose. Contact me for installation on your iPad.
19. MASH Rooms 127/129
MASH special education staff have provided their perspective on installing a more permanent wall between Room 127/129. Dave Makovsky has researched the cost of the project. Due to the cost and need of this project it has been decided to not change the wall at this time.
One year ago we lost one of our students with disabilities - Mike Sherwood - who was a victim of suicide. He is still missed by his family, friends, and staff.
Thank you for the support, love, and kindness that you provide our students and each other. You all do make a positive difference. Thank you for building the students and each other up. I consider all of us (staff, students, and parents) as part of a large special education and student services family.
2. Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory Reporting Training
We have held these the past two weeks (MAES and MAMS) and will hold another one tonight as part of the MASH building special education meeting. All staff within 5 years need to be trained. Any new staff hired in 11-12 have to be trained by June 2012 and future new staff have to be trained within 6 months of being hired. The district will plan additional training opportunities for staff unable to attend tonight or the past two weeks.
We will meet tonight at MASH in PC Computer Lab 215. This is for certified and support staff in special education.
3. Special Education Family Day: Snowshoeing
Date: Thursday February 23
Time: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: Kuse Nature Preserve - meet at Medford Area Elementary School Gymnasium
Who: Students and staff in special education along with their families
The Special Education Advisory Council is proud to present our Winter Event – Snowshoeing!
Special education students along with their parents and siblings can snowshoe through the Kuse Nature Preserve behind MAES. Afterwards, hot chocolate and cookies will be provided to help warm up the snowshoeing enthusiasts.
Snowshoes will be available for all parents and children or you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own. Staff will be available to help to any parents or children learn this great activity! Our Special Education Family Day is a free event for all the participants.
We hope that you will join us on February 23rd!
4. Round Table of Community Providers on February 28
February 28 from 2:15 to 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:30 in the MAES media room.
All are invited to attend to learn more about these organizations and services available in the community. Scheduled to appear: Indianhead Community Action Agency, Parent Resource Center, Taylor County Special Olympics, Health Department, Family Support Services, Medford Adult Diploma Academy, Taylor County Literacy Council, Taylor County Mental Health Services, Stepping Stones, Wisconsin Early Autism Project, Northwest CEP, and more
5. Dr. Laura Shank and Achieve Center
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Laura Shank from the Achieve Center will be coming to the Medford Area Public School District for a presentation on behavioral strategies/intervention for students with autism spectrum disorder and share information on the Achieve Center. Dr. Shank is a rehabilitation psychologist and neuropsychologist at the Achieve Center. We are in the process of confirming a date and will pass along that information when it comes available.
6. School Psychologist Long Term Substitute
The school district was unable to find a long term substitute for MAMS and MASH School Psychologist Jessica Martin on her FMLA leave. I will be filling those job responsibilities in her absence due to my school psychologist license. I tentatively plan to work out of her MAMS office on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will work out of the District Office on Tuesday and Thursday.
7. Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 online training
We will meet at 3:30 at MAES in the computer lab to review the Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 online videos. There will also be checklists for Steps 1-6 and 7-12 shared for best practice implementation.
8. Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference
I will be out of district on Monday and returning Tuesday early afternoon. There is a Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference focusing on Maintenance of Effort, Special Education, Title I, CEIS, and other budgetary measures.
9. Bookshare
I have communicated with Dennis H about Bookshare (www.bookshare.com). If you have an iPad in your classroom, then you are encouraged to use the Read2Go application to access bookshare materials. If you need to read/download audio files from bookshare on your computer, contact your building support person. Contact me for the username and password for our district account.
10. Career Fair
Recognition to Sue Eloranta and her organizing the 4th grade Career Fair Unit which was held earlier today at MAES. Pictures are posted on our Medford Area Public School District Special Education and Student Services Facebook page.
11. Budget
Reminder that special education budgets are scheduled to be due to the D.O. on Friday. If you need another week or have questions, please contact me.
12. Student Services Team
Student Services Team met on Monday. If you have an interest in any of these items which were discussed, please contact me or a Student Services Team member:
1. Child Abuse Reporting and Neglect Training in Compliance with Wisconsin Act 81
2. Section 504 legal update
3. New Safety Trainings in Schools requirements
4. Student Services Activities Google Calendar
5. Suicide Prevention Policy review
6. Medford Adult Diploma Academy update
7. Round Table of Community Providers update
8. School Nursing Resources from DPI
13. ELL Services
Lucia will be out of district from Mar. 22 through April 11th. Mauricio Rios will be filling her translation and tutoring responsibilities at SES and MAES while she is gone.
14. Facebook and Other Social Media For Parents
CLC Adult Education Training on Facebook and Other Social Media for Parents. This will be held on Monday March 5 at MASH in PC Computer Lab. $10.00 per person.
15. Sotos Syndrome
We have a student who has been identified with Sotos Syndrome. Here is a link to resources on this syndrome: http://jgreget.blogspot.com/2012/01/sotos-syndrome.html
16. Wilson Reading Video Series Resources:
Introduction to the 10 Critical Points, The Ten Critical Points, Introduction to the Lesson Plan Format, The Lesson Plan Format, Group Lesson with Younger Students. If you are interested in watching any of these, please contact me.
17. Richard Lavoie - LD/Social Skills Video Series
The Motivation Breakthrough
Last One Picked..First One Picked On
It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend
Understanding Learning Disabilities: How Difficult Can This Be?
Beyond F.A.T. (Frustration, Anxiety, and Tension) City: A Look Back and A Look Ahead
If you are interested in watching any of these, please contact me.
18. Read Write and Gold
Read Write and Gold can be installed on any iPad at MAMS. This provides access to Reading Text Outloud, Speech (type in words and will speak out loud), Dictionary, and Audiobooks. It has been installed on 4 iPads right now for a trial purpose. Contact me for installation on your iPad.
19. MASH Rooms 127/129
MASH special education staff have provided their perspective on installing a more permanent wall between Room 127/129. Dave Makovsky has researched the cost of the project. Due to the cost and need of this project it has been decided to not change the wall at this time.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Date: Saturday March 10, 2012
Where: Marshfield YMCA
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Ages: 5-12
Cost: $5.00 per child, includes T-Shirt and a snack
Enrollment is limited so contact Kari Bluhm, Certified Life Specialist at 715-221-8824
Sponsored by: Saint Joseph's Children's Hospital in Marshfield
Sibshops is a globally know program, offering siblings of children with special needs an opportunity to get together, have fun, and participate in new games and activities. Realizing that being a sibling to a child with special needs is sometimes good, sometimes not-so-good, and sometimes in between, the program provides peer support and education in a recreational setting.
Date: Saturday March 10, 2012
Where: Marshfield YMCA
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Ages: 5-12
Cost: $5.00 per child, includes T-Shirt and a snack
Enrollment is limited so contact Kari Bluhm, Certified Life Specialist at 715-221-8824
Sponsored by: Saint Joseph's Children's Hospital in Marshfield
Sibshops is a globally know program, offering siblings of children with special needs an opportunity to get together, have fun, and participate in new games and activities. Realizing that being a sibling to a child with special needs is sometimes good, sometimes not-so-good, and sometimes in between, the program provides peer support and education in a recreational setting.
Special Education and Student Services Newsletter for February 13
I hope you all enjoy your upcoming three day weekend :)
1. Winter Celebration for Special Education and Student Services Staff
Everyone seemed to have a good time who attended our Winter
Celebration last week. Lots of positive feedback. For those in
attendance and those unable to attend, please know that the work you
provide our students, families, and department is so very important.
Medford Schools are lucky to have such great people and professionals
working here.
2. MAMS Data Review Team on Feb 15
Please bring your AIMS testing summary for your students, SRI scores
if applicable, etc... We can look up NWEA here in Mr. Leonard's
office. Mark Nyberg will be the traveling sub.
8:15 - 9:15 Kakes
9:20 - 10-:20 Wieman
10:25 - 11:25 Laher
12:00 - 1:00 Niemi
1:05 - 2:05 Ryan Brown
2:10 - 3:10 Jill Chasteen
3. ECSE Pre-Student Teaching
Megan Budreau is an Early Childhood Education Major with a Special
Education Certification at UW Stout. She will be completing 30 hours
of pre-student teaching at MAES on Fridays. Megan will be working with
Amber and Tasha's program and students respectively. I am meeting with
Megan on February 24 in the morning. She would begin her hours on
March 2nd.
4. Special Education Family Day
Please send home the flyer on Special Education Family Day to any of
your families that might be interested.
Snowshoeing will be from 4:00 to 5:30 in the Kuse Nature Preserve.
Meet at MAES. Cookies and hot chocolate will be provided. Snowshoes
can be provided or bring your own. Special education staff and their
own families are also invited.
5. MADA meeting
There will be a Medford Adult Diploma Academy meeting at 4:00 pm on
Monday February 13 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.
6. Round Table of Community Providers on Feb 28
2:15 to 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:30. Staff will be provided stipend pay for
their attendance. Support staff will place the extra time on their
time card. Community Providers will each have 5-10 minutes to talk
about their services. Planning to attend so far include:
Indianhead Community Action Agency, Taylor County Family Support,
Taylor County Mental Health Services, Wisconsin Early Autism Project,
Parent Resource Center, Medford Adult Diploma Academy, Taylor County
Health Department, Stepping Stones, Taylor County Literacy Council,
Abiding Care and Pregnancy Resource, and more.
You are encouraged to send home information to your families if they
might have an interest. A one page flyer is available to send home.
7. February Special Education meetings
MAMS = February 14 at 3:20
MASH = February 21 at 3:20
We will meet in the building respective computer lab. You will be
trained in accordance with the new Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory
Reporting. Handouts will be provided in conjunction with the video.
All new staff must be trained by June 2012 and all existing staff
trained once every five years. Special education certified and support
staff are invited to attend.
All staff (certified, support, janitors, cooks, administration, etc)
are all mandatory reporters now. Staff who suspect child abuse or
neglect should consult a student services staff and/or administration
prior to the referral per past practice in the district.
8. School Based Mental Health Counseling
Marjorie A Debevec-Marksteiner, MS, MPH, LPC, CHES
Clinical Administrator/Outpatient Therapist
Northwest Directions
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
715-424-5051 phone number
715-424-5720 (fax)
Here is the link to the forms:
9. ELL Support
Lucia Albrecht is planning to be gone March 24 to April 9. Mauricio
Rios Todakee will be covering some of her hours and responsibilities
during that time. Lucia and Mauricio will work on the schedule.
10. Summer School
We are planning to offer similar special education summer school
programming as in the past. CDS/Autism at MAES, MAMS, and MASH,
Special Education Support at MAES and MAMS, Summer Seedling for K and
1, Jump Start, and Speech Intervention are just some of the classes.
11. Extended School Year Services
I anticipate that we will need to provide Extended School Year
Services for students with disabilities again during Summer 2012.
There are students at MAES, SES, MAMS, and MASH who require these
services. Certified staff are looked for to provide these services in
accordance with their IEP.
12. Student Services Team meeting
Monday February 20 at 1:30 at the D.O.
Agenda will include:
1. Child Abuse Reporting and Neglect Training in Compliance with
Wisconsin Act 81
2. Section 504 legal update
3. New Safety Trainings in Schools requirements
4. Student Services Activities Google Calendar
5. Suicide Prevention Policy review
6. Medford Adult Diploma Academy update
7. Round Table of Community Providers update
8. School Nursing Resources from DPI
9. Mental Health Services in Taylor County
10. Round Table
13. iPad/Educational Technology Training
There will be no monthly iPad/Educational Training in February due to
Early Release Day activities.
14. Facebook and other Social Media for Parents Course
Monday March 5 from 4:00 to 5:30 at MASH in the PC Computer Lab. This
is a CLC adult education class. Cost is $10.00. Register through Lisa
15. Federal Funding Conference
Director of Business Services Jeff Albers, Director of Curriculum
Laura Lundy, and I will be in attendance at the Federal Funding
Conference on Feb 27 and 28. DPI is scheduling this conference to
further educate and train school personnel on Sped, Title I,
Maintenance of Effort, RTI, and other budgets.
16. Special Education Advisory Council on Feb 6th
We held our Special Education Advisory Council meeting on February
6th. If you would like further information on any of these topics,
please contact me:
1. Reviews of new state bills on Open Enrollment Size Limitations for
Special Education Caseloads; and Appropriate Use of Seclusion and
Physical Restraint.
2. Special Education Enrollment
3. Long Term Substitute Staffing Updates
4. Transition Night for Students with Disabilities
5. 2011-12 WTCS Key Contact Persons for Students with Disabilities
6. Summary of 1st Semester Special Education and Student Services
7. Family Night for Children and Families
8. Autism Resources and Support
9. Discussion of DSM - V Proposed New Regulations for Autism Spectrum
Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD
10. Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Training Requirements and
11. Response to Intervention - Learning Disabilities
12. Maintenance of Effort update
There was also discussion on creating an Autism Resource Classroom at
MAMS when students have behavioral challenges. The need for ongoing
autism training was also mentioned.
17. School Psychologist Long Term Substitute Update
We have been unable to find a replacement for MAMS and MASH School
Psychologist Jessica Martin. She is scheduled to be gone March 7 to
June 1. I will be filling her duties during that time frame. These
responsibilities will be balanced with my administrative
responsibilities during those three months. I will plan to have
scheduled office hours at MAMS for scheduling meetings and assessment
18. Wilson Order
Reading staff are starting to place together an order for the Wilson
Reading, Fundations, and Just Words classes for 12-13. Title I and
Special Education budgets will be used to pay for these materials as
our programs continue to be blended to support all students.
19. Data Reviews for Elementary Special Education Staff
Mr. Miller commended the excellent job that our elementary special
education staff are doing with their students and in their programs at
the conclusion of our data reviews. Excellent work!
20. Budgets for Special Education and Preschool
These are due February 24th to the District Office for the 12-13
school year. If you need an extra week due to no school on Friday or
have questions, please contact me.
21. Autism Resource Team on March 22
Our Autism Resource Team originally scheduled for March 8 will now be
held on March 22 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. The change is due to Child
Development Day on March 8.
22. Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 Online Class
February 22 from 3:30 to 5:00 in the MAES computer lab. We will
review videos and collaborative assessments on Steps 1-6.
Opportunities for questions and answers. Review of Level I and II
Practicum observation checklists will be shown to staff. Staff who
are new to teaching Wilson Reading and are not Level I certified are
encouraged to attend. This training is for Wilson Reading and Not
Fundations staff. Stipend pay will be provided.
23. High School Scheduling of Special Education Classes
Guidance Department would like a list of anticipated special education
pullout and inclusion classes offered for 12-13 as soon as possible.
24. Wilson Reading Level II Final Examination
Work time on March 28 from 3:45 to 5:00 in the computer lab at MAES.
25. Homebound Instruction
We have multiple students currently on homebound instruction for
students. Homebound can be provided for special education, Section
504, and non-disabled students. Here is a link to the DPI guidance on
homebound: http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/sped/subjects.html#homebound
26. School to Work
School to Work Coordinator Lisa Porten, MASH Job Coach Barb Kinnison,
and Alternative HS Employability Specialist Clarice Zenner met last
friday to collaborate on services and strategies for our students.
1. Winter Celebration for Special Education and Student Services Staff
Everyone seemed to have a good time who attended our Winter
Celebration last week. Lots of positive feedback. For those in
attendance and those unable to attend, please know that the work you
provide our students, families, and department is so very important.
Medford Schools are lucky to have such great people and professionals
working here.
2. MAMS Data Review Team on Feb 15
Please bring your AIMS testing summary for your students, SRI scores
if applicable, etc... We can look up NWEA here in Mr. Leonard's
office. Mark Nyberg will be the traveling sub.
8:15 - 9:15 Kakes
9:20 - 10-:20 Wieman
10:25 - 11:25 Laher
12:00 - 1:00 Niemi
1:05 - 2:05 Ryan Brown
2:10 - 3:10 Jill Chasteen
3. ECSE Pre-Student Teaching
Megan Budreau is an Early Childhood Education Major with a Special
Education Certification at UW Stout. She will be completing 30 hours
of pre-student teaching at MAES on Fridays. Megan will be working with
Amber and Tasha's program and students respectively. I am meeting with
Megan on February 24 in the morning. She would begin her hours on
March 2nd.
4. Special Education Family Day
Please send home the flyer on Special Education Family Day to any of
your families that might be interested.
Snowshoeing will be from 4:00 to 5:30 in the Kuse Nature Preserve.
Meet at MAES. Cookies and hot chocolate will be provided. Snowshoes
can be provided or bring your own. Special education staff and their
own families are also invited.
5. MADA meeting
There will be a Medford Adult Diploma Academy meeting at 4:00 pm on
Monday February 13 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.
6. Round Table of Community Providers on Feb 28
2:15 to 3:30 or 4:00 to 5:30. Staff will be provided stipend pay for
their attendance. Support staff will place the extra time on their
time card. Community Providers will each have 5-10 minutes to talk
about their services. Planning to attend so far include:
Indianhead Community Action Agency, Taylor County Family Support,
Taylor County Mental Health Services, Wisconsin Early Autism Project,
Parent Resource Center, Medford Adult Diploma Academy, Taylor County
Health Department, Stepping Stones, Taylor County Literacy Council,
Abiding Care and Pregnancy Resource, and more.
You are encouraged to send home information to your families if they
might have an interest. A one page flyer is available to send home.
7. February Special Education meetings
MAMS = February 14 at 3:20
MASH = February 21 at 3:20
We will meet in the building respective computer lab. You will be
trained in accordance with the new Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory
Reporting. Handouts will be provided in conjunction with the video.
All new staff must be trained by June 2012 and all existing staff
trained once every five years. Special education certified and support
staff are invited to attend.
All staff (certified, support, janitors, cooks, administration, etc)
are all mandatory reporters now. Staff who suspect child abuse or
neglect should consult a student services staff and/or administration
prior to the referral per past practice in the district.
8. School Based Mental Health Counseling
Marjorie A Debevec-Marksteiner, MS, MPH, LPC, CHES
Clinical Administrator/Outpatient Therapist
Northwest Directions
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
715-424-5051 phone number
715-424-5720 (fax)
Here is the link to the forms:
9. ELL Support
Lucia Albrecht is planning to be gone March 24 to April 9. Mauricio
Rios Todakee will be covering some of her hours and responsibilities
during that time. Lucia and Mauricio will work on the schedule.
10. Summer School
We are planning to offer similar special education summer school
programming as in the past. CDS/Autism at MAES, MAMS, and MASH,
Special Education Support at MAES and MAMS, Summer Seedling for K and
1, Jump Start, and Speech Intervention are just some of the classes.
11. Extended School Year Services
I anticipate that we will need to provide Extended School Year
Services for students with disabilities again during Summer 2012.
There are students at MAES, SES, MAMS, and MASH who require these
services. Certified staff are looked for to provide these services in
accordance with their IEP.
12. Student Services Team meeting
Monday February 20 at 1:30 at the D.O.
Agenda will include:
1. Child Abuse Reporting and Neglect Training in Compliance with
Wisconsin Act 81
2. Section 504 legal update
3. New Safety Trainings in Schools requirements
4. Student Services Activities Google Calendar
5. Suicide Prevention Policy review
6. Medford Adult Diploma Academy update
7. Round Table of Community Providers update
8. School Nursing Resources from DPI
9. Mental Health Services in Taylor County
10. Round Table
13. iPad/Educational Technology Training
There will be no monthly iPad/Educational Training in February due to
Early Release Day activities.
14. Facebook and other Social Media for Parents Course
Monday March 5 from 4:00 to 5:30 at MASH in the PC Computer Lab. This
is a CLC adult education class. Cost is $10.00. Register through Lisa
15. Federal Funding Conference
Director of Business Services Jeff Albers, Director of Curriculum
Laura Lundy, and I will be in attendance at the Federal Funding
Conference on Feb 27 and 28. DPI is scheduling this conference to
further educate and train school personnel on Sped, Title I,
Maintenance of Effort, RTI, and other budgets.
16. Special Education Advisory Council on Feb 6th
We held our Special Education Advisory Council meeting on February
6th. If you would like further information on any of these topics,
please contact me:
1. Reviews of new state bills on Open Enrollment Size Limitations for
Special Education Caseloads; and Appropriate Use of Seclusion and
Physical Restraint.
2. Special Education Enrollment
3. Long Term Substitute Staffing Updates
4. Transition Night for Students with Disabilities
5. 2011-12 WTCS Key Contact Persons for Students with Disabilities
6. Summary of 1st Semester Special Education and Student Services
7. Family Night for Children and Families
8. Autism Resources and Support
9. Discussion of DSM - V Proposed New Regulations for Autism Spectrum
Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD
10. Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Training Requirements and
11. Response to Intervention - Learning Disabilities
12. Maintenance of Effort update
There was also discussion on creating an Autism Resource Classroom at
MAMS when students have behavioral challenges. The need for ongoing
autism training was also mentioned.
17. School Psychologist Long Term Substitute Update
We have been unable to find a replacement for MAMS and MASH School
Psychologist Jessica Martin. She is scheduled to be gone March 7 to
June 1. I will be filling her duties during that time frame. These
responsibilities will be balanced with my administrative
responsibilities during those three months. I will plan to have
scheduled office hours at MAMS for scheduling meetings and assessment
18. Wilson Order
Reading staff are starting to place together an order for the Wilson
Reading, Fundations, and Just Words classes for 12-13. Title I and
Special Education budgets will be used to pay for these materials as
our programs continue to be blended to support all students.
19. Data Reviews for Elementary Special Education Staff
Mr. Miller commended the excellent job that our elementary special
education staff are doing with their students and in their programs at
the conclusion of our data reviews. Excellent work!
20. Budgets for Special Education and Preschool
These are due February 24th to the District Office for the 12-13
school year. If you need an extra week due to no school on Friday or
have questions, please contact me.
21. Autism Resource Team on March 22
Our Autism Resource Team originally scheduled for March 8 will now be
held on March 22 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. The change is due to Child
Development Day on March 8.
22. Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 Online Class
February 22 from 3:30 to 5:00 in the MAES computer lab. We will
review videos and collaborative assessments on Steps 1-6.
Opportunities for questions and answers. Review of Level I and II
Practicum observation checklists will be shown to staff. Staff who
are new to teaching Wilson Reading and are not Level I certified are
encouraged to attend. This training is for Wilson Reading and Not
Fundations staff. Stipend pay will be provided.
23. High School Scheduling of Special Education Classes
Guidance Department would like a list of anticipated special education
pullout and inclusion classes offered for 12-13 as soon as possible.
24. Wilson Reading Level II Final Examination
Work time on March 28 from 3:45 to 5:00 in the computer lab at MAES.
25. Homebound Instruction
We have multiple students currently on homebound instruction for
students. Homebound can be provided for special education, Section
504, and non-disabled students. Here is a link to the DPI guidance on
homebound: http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/sped/subjects.html#homebound
26. School to Work
School to Work Coordinator Lisa Porten, MASH Job Coach Barb Kinnison,
and Alternative HS Employability Specialist Clarice Zenner met last
friday to collaborate on services and strategies for our students.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Study Skills for ADD Students
85 free practical study skills: http://www.how-to-study.com/
Study Skills for Students: http://www.educationcorner.com/study-skills.html
Study Skills Activities: http://www.nwlincs.org/mtlincs/pilotproject/studyskills/studyskillsindex.htm
Resource Room Home Education: http://www.resourceroom.net/homeschool/index.asp
Study Guides and Strategies: http://www.studygs.net/
Homework and Study Skills for High School and Middle School Students: http://www.homeworkandstudyskills.com/studylinks.html
ADD Study Skills: http://www.additudemag.com/topic/adhd-learning-disabilities/homework-study-help.html
ADHD Primer from NASP: http://www.nasponline.org/resources/principals/nassp_adhd.aspx
ADD and School: http://helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_teaching_strategies.htm
Teaching Children with ADHD: http://www2.ed.gov/teachers/needs/speced/adhd/adhd-resource-pt2.doc
Schoolwide Strategies for Off Task Interventions: http://www.interventioncentral.org/behavioral-interventions/challenging-students/school-wide-strategies-managing-task-inattention
Homeschooling and ADHD: http://www.hslda.org/docs/hshb/53/hshbwk2.asp
LD Online - ADD and Homeschooling:http://www.ldonline.org/article/5917/
Motivating the child with ADD: http://www.ldonline.org/article/19975/
Study Skills for Students: http://www.educationcorner.com/study-skills.html
Study Skills Activities: http://www.nwlincs.org/mtlincs/pilotproject/studyskills/studyskillsindex.htm
Resource Room Home Education: http://www.resourceroom.net/homeschool/index.asp
Study Guides and Strategies: http://www.studygs.net/
Homework and Study Skills for High School and Middle School Students: http://www.homeworkandstudyskills.com/studylinks.html
ADD Study Skills: http://www.additudemag.com/topic/adhd-learning-disabilities/homework-study-help.html
ADHD Primer from NASP: http://www.nasponline.org/resources/principals/nassp_adhd.aspx
ADD and School: http://helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_teaching_strategies.htm
Teaching Children with ADHD: http://www2.ed.gov/teachers/needs/speced/adhd/adhd-resource-pt2.doc
Schoolwide Strategies for Off Task Interventions: http://www.interventioncentral.org/behavioral-interventions/challenging-students/school-wide-strategies-managing-task-inattention
Homeschooling and ADHD: http://www.hslda.org/docs/hshb/53/hshbwk2.asp
LD Online - ADD and Homeschooling:http://www.ldonline.org/article/5917/
Motivating the child with ADD: http://www.ldonline.org/article/19975/
Monday, February 6, 2012
Children's Mental Health Resources and Reports
Children’s Trust Fund Report: Adverse Childhood Experiences in
http://wichildrenstrustfund. org/files/WisconsinACEs.pdf
Child Abuse and Neglect Report: Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect
Annual Reports
http://dcf.wi.gov/cwreview/ reports/CAN-Y.htm
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Bright Futures, Promoting
Child Development and Mental Health Presentations Under Past
Sessions: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/ health/mch/BrightFutures/ index.htm
Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health: http://www.wiimh.org/
Child Abuse and Neglect Report: Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect
Annual Reports
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Bright Futures, Promoting
Child Development and Mental Health Presentations Under Past
Sessions: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/
Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health: http://www.wiimh.org/
School Based Mental Health Counseling
School Based Mental Health Counseling
Marjorie A Debevec-Marksteiner, MS, MPH, LPC, CHES
Clinical Administrator/Outpatient Therapist
Northwest Directions
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
715-424-5051 phone number
715-424-5720 (fax)
Here is the link to the forms:
https://sites.google.com/a/ medford.k12.wi.us/specialed/ home/school-based-mental- health-counseling
Marjorie A Debevec-Marksteiner, MS, MPH, LPC, CHES
Clinical Administrator/Outpatient Therapist
Northwest Directions
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
715-424-5051 phone number
715-424-5720 (fax)
Here is the link to the forms:
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Time in Special Education
I received a question this week of how long a student has to be in special education before being dismissed. This was in relation to an EBD student at MAMS who wished to no longer receive services. There is no specific time requirement for how long a child has to be in special education. We re-evaluate once every three years, but could re-evaluate more often if the situation would arise. Parents can also withdraw their child from special education at any time. I would note to be careful of dismissing a child too soon from EBD services if there is no conduct problems lately. EBD impairments isn't on conduct, but the social, emotional, and behavioral functioning and needs of a student. Perhaps there hasn't been conduct issues because of the appropriate behavioral supports which are in place to help him be successful.
Facebook and Other Social Media For Parents
Facebook and Other Social Media For Parents
CLC Adult Education Training on Facebook and Other Social Media for Parents. This will be held on Monday March 5 at MASH in PC Computer Lab. $10.00 per person.
CLC Adult Education Training on Facebook and Other Social Media for Parents. This will be held on Monday March 5 at MASH in PC Computer Lab. $10.00 per person.
Student Services Team meeting on Feb 20
Student Services Team meeting
February 20 at 1:30 at the District Office. Student Services Team includes ELL, School Psychologists, School Guidance Counselors, Alternative High School, School Nursing, Police Liaison, Mr. Everhard, and myself.
Agenda will include:
1. Child Abuse Reporting and Neglect Training in Compliance with Wisconsin Act 81
2. Section 504 legal update
3. New Safety Trainings in Schools requirements
4. Student Services Activities Google Calendar
5. Suicide Prevention Policy review
6. Medford Adult Diploma Academy update
7. Round Table of Community Providers update
8. School Nursing Resources from DPI
9. Mental Health Services in Taylor County
10. Round Table
February 20 at 1:30 at the District Office. Student Services Team includes ELL, School Psychologists, School Guidance Counselors, Alternative High School, School Nursing, Police Liaison, Mr. Everhard, and myself.
Agenda will include:
1. Child Abuse Reporting and Neglect Training in Compliance with Wisconsin Act 81
2. Section 504 legal update
3. New Safety Trainings in Schools requirements
4. Student Services Activities Google Calendar
5. Suicide Prevention Policy review
6. Medford Adult Diploma Academy update
7. Round Table of Community Providers update
8. School Nursing Resources from DPI
9. Mental Health Services in Taylor County
10. Round Table
Special Education Family Day: Snowshoeing on Feb 23
Special Education Family Day: Snowshoeing
Date: Thursday February 23
Time: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: Meet at Medford Area Elementary School Gymnasium
The Special Education Advisory Council is proud to present our Winter Event – Snowshoeing!
Special education students along with their parents and siblings can snowshoe through the Kuse Nature Preserve behind MAES. Afterwards, hot chocolate and cookies will be provided to help warm up the snowshoeing enthusiasts.
Snowshoes will be available for all parents and children or you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own. Staff will be available to help to any parents or children learn this great activity! Our Special Education Family Day is a free event for all the participants.
If you are interested in helping at this event, please contact me. A one page flyer is developed to send home to your families.
Date: Thursday February 23
Time: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: Meet at Medford Area Elementary School Gymnasium
The Special Education Advisory Council is proud to present our Winter Event – Snowshoeing!
Special education students along with their parents and siblings can snowshoe through the Kuse Nature Preserve behind MAES. Afterwards, hot chocolate and cookies will be provided to help warm up the snowshoeing enthusiasts.
Snowshoes will be available for all parents and children or you are welcome and encouraged to bring your own. Staff will be available to help to any parents or children learn this great activity! Our Special Education Family Day is a free event for all the participants.
If you are interested in helping at this event, please contact me. A one page flyer is developed to send home to your families.
Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 Online Class on February 22
Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 Online Class on February 22
Wednesday February 22 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at MAES
Staff who are new to teaching Wilson Reading this year or have not completed the Level I Certification are encouraged to attend. We will work on the Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 video tutorials.
There will also be a review of the Fidelity Checklist that Level I and Level II staff have/are completing for their practicums. This will help provide other staff with guidance on best practice implementation.
Some Level I and Level II staff will be available to help answer questions and provide support as well.
Staff will place extra time on their time card.
Wednesday February 22 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at MAES
Staff who are new to teaching Wilson Reading this year or have not completed the Level I Certification are encouraged to attend. We will work on the Wilson Reading Steps 1-6 video tutorials.
There will also be a review of the Fidelity Checklist that Level I and Level II staff have/are completing for their practicums. This will help provide other staff with guidance on best practice implementation.
Some Level I and Level II staff will be available to help answer questions and provide support as well.
Staff will place extra time on their time card.
Bookshare™ provides the world’s largest online library of accessible reading materials for people with print disabilities. Individuals can sign up for membership and access the library on their own. Organizations that serve individuals with print disabilities (schools, libraries, community centers, etc.) can sign up and provide access to their students or clients.
A Bookshare membership offers unlimited access to accessible books, textbooks, newspapers and magazines. Additionally, free access technology makes it easy to read books with a computer.
Medford Area Public School District has had an organizational membership since the 08-09 school year. We currently have 3 students signed up as members. If you have students that could benefit, please let me know. We can complete their membership application to receive services.
Families can also sign up for individual memberships at no cost.
www.bookshare.org for more information. Contact me for the username and password to access the materials.
Read2Go is an application for the iPad designed specifically for Bookshare subscriptions. We have this in our iTunes Library
Bookshare™ provides the world’s largest online library of accessible reading materials for people with print disabilities. Individuals can sign up for membership and access the library on their own. Organizations that serve individuals with print disabilities (schools, libraries, community centers, etc.) can sign up and provide access to their students or clients.
A Bookshare membership offers unlimited access to accessible books, textbooks, newspapers and magazines. Additionally, free access technology makes it easy to read books with a computer.
Medford Area Public School District has had an organizational membership since the 08-09 school year. We currently have 3 students signed up as members. If you have students that could benefit, please let me know. We can complete their membership application to receive services.
Families can also sign up for individual memberships at no cost.
www.bookshare.org for more information. Contact me for the username and password to access the materials.
Read2Go is an application for the iPad designed specifically for Bookshare subscriptions. We have this in our iTunes Library
Special Education Advisory Council
Special Education Advisory Council
Monday February 6 at 4:00 pm at the D.O. Agenda will include:
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Special Education Enrollment
3. Long Term Substitute Staffing Updates
4. Transition Night for Students with Disabilities
5. 2011-12 WTCS Key Contact Persons for Students with Disabilities
6. Summary of 1st Semester Special Education and Student Services
7. Family Night for Children and Families
8. Autism Resources and Support
9. Discussion of DSM - V Proposed New Regulations for Autism Spectrum
Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD
10. Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Training Requirements and
11. Response to Intervention - Learning Disabilities
12. Maintenance of Effort update
13. Other business
Monday February 6 at 4:00 pm at the D.O. Agenda will include:
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Special Education Enrollment
3. Long Term Substitute Staffing Updates
4. Transition Night for Students with Disabilities
5. 2011-12 WTCS Key Contact Persons for Students with Disabilities
6. Summary of 1st Semester Special Education and Student Services
7. Family Night for Children and Families
8. Autism Resources and Support
9. Discussion of DSM - V Proposed New Regulations for Autism Spectrum
Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD
10. Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Training Requirements and
11. Response to Intervention - Learning Disabilities
12. Maintenance of Effort update
13. Other business
Medford Child Development Day, Pre-K Registration, and Kindergarten Registration
Medford Child Development Days
Medford Area Public School District, in conjunction with Taylor County Health Department & Taylor County Human Services Dept., will conduct its annual child development screening on Thurs., March 8, 2012, at the MAES gymnasium. This pre-school screening is provided as a free community service to families with children ages 2-4 years. Staff members from various area agencies will be on hand to answer questions & provide information. Times vary; call Luanne at the Medford Area Public School District Office at 715-748-4620 ext 534, for an appointment and/or information, starting January 26, 2012.
Pre-Kindergarten Registration
All children who are residents of the Medford Area School District & will be 4 years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2012 are eligible to register for pre-kindergarten. Parents should come to the MAES gymnasium on Thurs., March 8, 2012 anytime between 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. You will complete a registration packet to enroll your child in our prekindergarten program for 2012-13. Please bring along your child’s birth certificate. Contact Luanne at 715-748-4620, ext 534 with any questions.
Kindergarten Registration 2012
Medford Area Public School District is asking parents of children who are not already attending the Medford School District Preschool Program & who will be 5 years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2012, to come to either MAES or SES on Thurs., March 1, 2012, to register your child for Kindergarten. The offices will be open from 8:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. Registration is also available during Child Development Day on Thurs., March 8, 2012, between 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. For registration, we ask that you bring your child’s birth certificate & immunization record. You will be given a registration packet to complete and turn in prior to leaving. This process should take 15 minutes. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Jerri at SES (715-678-2600) or Pam at MAES (715-748-2316).
Medford Area Public School District, in conjunction with Taylor County Health Department & Taylor County Human Services Dept., will conduct its annual child development screening on Thurs., March 8, 2012, at the MAES gymnasium. This pre-school screening is provided as a free community service to families with children ages 2-4 years. Staff members from various area agencies will be on hand to answer questions & provide information. Times vary; call Luanne at the Medford Area Public School District Office at 715-748-4620 ext 534, for an appointment and/or information, starting January 26, 2012.
Pre-Kindergarten Registration
All children who are residents of the Medford Area School District & will be 4 years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2012 are eligible to register for pre-kindergarten. Parents should come to the MAES gymnasium on Thurs., March 8, 2012 anytime between 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. You will complete a registration packet to enroll your child in our prekindergarten program for 2012-13. Please bring along your child’s birth certificate. Contact Luanne at 715-748-4620, ext 534 with any questions.
Kindergarten Registration 2012
Medford Area Public School District is asking parents of children who are not already attending the Medford School District Preschool Program & who will be 5 years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2012, to come to either MAES or SES on Thurs., March 1, 2012, to register your child for Kindergarten. The offices will be open from 8:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. Registration is also available during Child Development Day on Thurs., March 8, 2012, between 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. For registration, we ask that you bring your child’s birth certificate & immunization record. You will be given a registration packet to complete and turn in prior to leaving. This process should take 15 minutes. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Jerri at SES (715-678-2600) or Pam at MAES (715-748-2316).
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