Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference - CEIS notes

Can apply for CEIS funds at anytime next year. Used to have a deadline of Nov 1. CEIS supplement districts support of interventions. Funds used for students without disabilities. Interventions applied for 4K to 12 implemented with fidelity and for students not receiving special education. LEA required to report annually. Completed through ISES - work with Jennifer. Have to report on at least 1 student and which intervention was used. 
Data based universal screening. No CEIS funds. Additional services and supports above the Core. Not differentiated instruction. Interventions must be done with fidelity. Yes to using CEIS funds. Data collected on student RTI. Frequent monitoring, data drives future support. Yes to CEIS funds. Staff need training to implement properly. Some CEIS funds. 

Administer math screener to all kids in 2nd grade. Students at risk attend specialized after school math tutoring. Bi weekly math mini assessment. Data drives support. 

Many unallowed costs - curriculum, universal screening, computers, technology, sped evals, sped staff, related services. If you do purchase iPad - can only use with that CEIS student. No other students. 

Fundable costs - salary and fringe of staff providing services, general Ed, pupil services, tutors, aides.  Intervention instructional materials, software. You could purchase district wide software. 

Must use CEIS only on targeted student(s) - contact Dan and Jayne. They must provide name of 1 student she was working with and data. 

Data collected as part of CEIS can be used when considering if student meets SLD criteria. 

We need the nu,her of students receiving services through CEIS. Also which of these qualify for sped services  within the next two years. Need a list of the students who received services - specific names of the kids. 

To complete the CEIS narrative: 
Is there a universal screener in place
How will students receiving CEIS services be identified
Who will collect the student data
How will other pieces of RTI be funded
Where will the CEIS funds be spent
How will this coordinate with other district plans

CEIS can be up to 15 percent of your IDEA budget. Doesn't have to be that much. 

In order to be an intervention has to. E fidelity, set time of when doing it, not in classroom really - that would be differentiated curriculum, those implementing the intervention must know aMount of time and type of intervention. In ISES don't report kids in speech language as getting intervention. They could still receive the intervention though,. Only report in ISEzs those kids getting the CEIS intervention but not in sped. 

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