Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Taylor County Transition Advisory Council

Our next Taylor County Transition Advisory Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 3rd from 12:00 to 1:30.

Agenda will include:
1. Brad Gingras will be speaking on CREX conservation camp
2. Wisconsin Disability Documentation Guide: Helping People with Disabilities Prepare for Post-Secondary Education and Training
3. Taylor County Reality Fair
4. Statewide Transition Conference update
5. Roundtable updates


  1. jacks 100 man skills class 7th hour teacher jack mayrer
    and Paul bechttor and other staff people learn about it
    and they get how they grow up

  2. jacks 100 man skills class 7th hour teacher jack mayrer
    and Paul bechttor and other staff people learn about it
    and they get how they grow up
