I was honored and humbled today to receive the 2016 Mary Anne Bonneau Administrator of the Year Award by
Wilson Language at their Annual Literacy Conference in Boston.
It is my honor to thank and accept the award on behalf of the following:
Janet Lorenz and Katharine Campbell for all the trainings they did in our school district.
Kris Brandner for her nomination and being our Wilson In District Trainer
The five staff who were leaders in our schools by completing their 3-4 year long Level II Certification - Kathy Schumacher, Joyce Woletz, Ann Jochimsen, Kris Brandner, and Misty Galli.
Our 20 staff who have completed their year long Level I Certification back in 2009, 2014, and 2015.
Mary Fliehs and all her work with Fundations especially with parents, staff, and students
Al Leonard and Dan Miller for their work with Wilson staff and students. In particular Al Leonard and his collaboration in selecting Wilson back in 2008.
Laura Lundy and her work with exit and entrance criteria
Special education teachers and support staff who help our LD and special needs students in pullout and inclusion settings and strive to learn more about reading disabilities.
Medford Area Public School District BOE and Admin support by Mr Sullivan of Wilson curriculum and staff development
Dr Cathy Reuter and Dr Susan Messerly for teaching us about Dyslexia, parent training, and working with us in screening and referring students to our RTI model.
Taylor County Literacy Council and their Big Picture Rethinking Dyslexia Presentation and Panel Discussion, 1:1 adult tutoring, ELL classes, Little Free Libraries, book donations, and reading classes for adults.
Aimee S for being our first student to get through step 12
Josh R and his excitement of being able to read books like Children of the Holocaust and WWII
The students in Amy Wildberg and Kim Fechhelm's class and getting a Little Free Library at MAES.
Charlie and writing his prayers at night for his Wilson Teacher Ms Galli
The successes of all our other Wilson students and the support of our parents.
In the words of Cathy Mayrer - "It takes a village to raise a child with a disability" and it is my honor to lead in part our village in the area of Wilson Reading and accept the Mary Anne Bonneau Administrator
Of the Year Award on behalf of all our students, staff, Literacy Council, and school district.
Thank you to all the staff, students, and parents who watched the ceremony through video from Medford
and those who could be here in person.
Wilson reps expressed interest in having us present on our Community Collaboration model between our school district, Aspirus, and the Taylor County Literacy Council at an upcoming Wilson Literacy Conference.
Barbara Wilson also expressed interest in having our Little Free Library at MAES story in their upcoming edition of the Decoder.
Great work everyone in coming together. I could not be more proud of each and all of you.
Joseph A Greget
Director of Special Ed/Student Services for Medford
President of Taylor County Literacy Council