Tuesday, July 23, 2013

AVID Strategies

AVID Strategies
The following is a list of instruction strategies that AVID encourages teachers to incorporate in their 
lessons. These strategies may be adapted to any subject. They also support the methodologies of the AVID instructional program: WICR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Reading) 

Carousel Brainstorming
Ideas gathered quickly, topic written as headings on chart paper. Students divided into
groups and given different colored markers, move clockwise to brainstorm ideas. After
all groups have written on each chart, they should do a gallery walk to see the ideas that
were added. Good precursor to a formal essay.

Concept Mapping
Allows for connections between new concepts and prior knowledge. Students should be
given a list of related concepts and asked to make connections between them. Students
can also create their own lists.

Designed for discussion several topics during a class period. Students divide into several
groups according to particular topics and serve as consultants to each other. They can be
instructed to report out briefly at the end of the period.

Cornell Notes
With Cornell Notes, students take detailed notes from class lectures and texts in a wide
right-hand margin and develop clarifying ideas or questions regarding these notes in a
narrow left-hand margin. This helps students develop long-term retention and a deeper
understanding of the material studied.

Dialectical Journal
Dialectical Journals allow students to record their thought in preparation or a discussion
with a partner, small group or entire class. The following is a list of activities that
students may do to interact with lecture notes, text, or video. With each activity students
should divide their papers in half and place notes on the right side. They should then be
instructed to respond to these notes on the left side in one or more of the following ways
 Create a graphic organizer(s) to visually represent the major ideas.
 Write a one-sentence summary to capture the main idea.
 Explain the significance of a particular piece of information.
 Make an inference in terms of what a fact suggests about the time period,
event, etc.
 Create an analogy to show similarity between the relationships.
 Develop a “what if” statement that speculates what might have happened
if an event had not occurred or had occurred differently.
 Make a connection to a similar event which may have occurred recently or
in the past.
 Turn the title, heading, or subheading into questions.
 Create new titles, headings, and subheadings for each section.
 Write a simile or metaphor for an idea, event or person.

Meetings of the Minds
With this activity, students should research diverse characters from a specific time period
and then engage in a “meeting of the minds” (conversation) in small groups or in a
fishbowl setting. To do this, students should choose a character from a unit of study or
time period, research him or her, and then write three questions that the character would
ask each of the other characters on an assigned topic.

Pair Share
This activity is helpful when it is necessary to have small group discussions of individual
issues. After completing an assigned reading, students should share their responses to
open-ended questions with a partner. A whole-class discussion should follow

Parking Lot
This technique assesses level of understanding at carious intervals of a lesson. In
preparation for the next days’ lesson, student should be provided with sticky notes on
which to write questions or statements about a given topic or concept. They should place
their notes on a large chart that is posted in the room. The chart should be divided into
three sections and labeled with headings such as I Don’t Understand, I am Starting to
Understand, and I Completely Understand. The teacher should take note of the questions
and use them in preparing the lesson. At key points the students should be able to
collaborate and move their sticky notes to the section most representing their level of
understanding. The teacher is able to determine a general level of understanding among
the students and to adjust the instruction accordingly. With this method, students who are
hesitant to ask question orally will have their concerns addresses.

Philosophical Chairs
Philosophical Chairs is a technique that allows students to critically think, ponder and
write their belief. First, the chair in the room should be arranged in the shape of a
horseshoe. Then student should come to class with notes taken on an article, short story,
essay, or literary selection. After being presented with a statement that will elicit thought
and discussion, they should be told they will argue the merits of the statement and that
their choice of seat during the discussion will illustrate their stance. For example, if they
agree with the statement, they should sit on the right side of the room. If they disagree,
they should sit on the left side, and if undecided, they should sit in the back. At
designated intervals, student should be given the opportunity to change sides if they
change their viewpoint. A good follow-up to this activity would be to write an
argumentative essay.

Problem-Solution Journal
In this journal student record their thinking about possible solutions to problems being
investigated. This strategy assists students in making connections between problems and
solutions of the past and those of today. Students should divide into groups and separate
their papers into three columns. The left column should represent the problems
investigate; the middle column, a brainstorming of possible ideas; and the right column, a
list of realistic solutions.

Quickwrites involve asking a question, giving people a set amount of time for responding
(usually between one to ten minutes), and either hearing or reading the responses. The
quickwrite can be modified endlessly, depending on circumstances. Quickwrites
encourage critical thinking warm-ups: use the quickwrite at the start of a class to get
students focused on a new concept, or the material from last class, or preparatory reading
material, etc. Student-directed quickwrites: have students lead the quickwrite session,
having prepared a question in advance and thought through a method for fielding the
responses. Class-closers: as with the warm-ups, use the quickwrite to prompt reflection
through summary, synthesis, explanation, a question.

This activity is the oral equivalent of the quickwrite. A student draws a topic from a stack
of index cards, thinks about it for five seconds, and then speaks before the class for a
predetermined time. The topics are based on prior reading assignments.

Four Corners
Post four pieces of paper in the four corners of the classroom. Write a controversial topic
on the board (for example: Schools should eliminate report cards). Have students move to
the corner that best matches their position (Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Strongly
Disagree, Somewhat Disagree). If social cliques are a problem, have students write their
choice on a card first in order to ensure honest reactions. Each corner will have 2 minutes
to discuss and solidify their reasoning/logic. Each group selects a spokesperson to
express the group's position. He/she has 30 seconds to express thoughts concisely and
persuade their classmates. Other groups must listen intently. After the first corner
presents, invite those who have been persuaded to move to the appropriate corner. Direct
each group to present their group's position in turn. Allow students to move to the
appropriate corners if they have changed their minds.

The Jigsaw method is a cooperative learning technique in which students work in small
groups. Jigsaw can be used in a variety of ways for a variety of goals, but it is primarily
used for the acquisition and presentation of new material, review, or informed debate. In
this method, each group member is assigned to become an "expert" on some aspect of a
unit of study. After reading about their area of expertise, the experts from different
groups meet to discuss their topic, and then return to their groups and take turns teaching
their topics to their groupmates.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

iPad Training in Medford by Naomi Harm - Links, Chats, and Notes


Share with this online community your comfort level with iPad technologies and what types of literacy/center activities you have created. 12:51PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Comfortable...I use it for RtI 01:14PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Amanda

Comfortable with the iPad but struggle with iTunes at times. Use for intervention activities. 01:14PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brittany

I feel I am somewhat comfortable with using IPads in the classroom. I only have 1in my room so it is very limited. Practicing math facts. 01:14PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Colleen

I am fairly new to this. I just got an IPad. I like learning technology as long as I have help. I am looking forward to Learning today. 01:14PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by sue

I'm familiar with iPads, but haven't created literacy centers. I've used iCard sort during reading. 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Misty

Presently, I don't have a district iPad. I am coordinating iPads or smart phones at the Kuse Nature Preserve. 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

I have used iPads in my classroom for 3 years. I use a lot of apps but want to use for more productivity 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Laura

I feel pretty comfortable with iPad technology. I use iPads in my kindergarten classroom during guided reading, math class, and free time. 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

I have helped facilitate the purchase of iPads for staff. There have been monthly ipad overviews in the past. 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

I am semi comfortable with technology. The kids mostly use it dor educational games 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

I am fairly new to using iPads. My students enjoy the reading games 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Peggy

As technology coordinator I mainly am familiar with the management of the iPads, exploration of available apps, and personal consumption. 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jason Schenzel

My comfort level is a medium. I use the iPad for small group lessons that reinforce large group lessons. 01:15PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris A.

I am very comfortable with the iPad. I have used proloquo to go, also using other communication apps. Also using iPads as rewards. 01:16PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

I enjoy having iPads in my classroom.They are used during reading center times. I am looking to use them during classroom instruction. 01:16PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Dawn Heier

Comfortable with the iPad. Used it for communication, to enhance instruction, for practice of skills, as a reward, and for recording notes. 01:18PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris B.

I use the iPads for additional practice on skills taught in class. 01:19PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Rosy

Shared iPad Folder http://goo.gl/zz3an01:23PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

I help support assistive technologies for special education in all buildings as the district OT. I also use the iPad in my therapy sessions 01:24PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

I use iPads in my classroom primarily for research. 01:36PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kelli

List.ly of an iPad app list http://list.ly/list/3Hw-ipad-apptivity-apps-and-resources?feature=mylist 01:49PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Master iPad List PDF http://goo.gl/HwdRX 02:32PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Everything QR Codes http://www.schrockguide.net/qr-codes-in-the-classroom.html 03:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

QR Stuff to make colored QR Codes http://www.qrstuff.com/ 03:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

QR Code Treasure Hunt http://www.classtools.net/QR/ 03:41PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Thank you to each and all of you for coming. Our students and district are fortunate to have you further your professional development. 03:57PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

http://www.visualead.com/ 03:57PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris B.

Tech Chef 4 U =- everything ipads for the elementary classroom. http://www.techchef4u.com/ 04:12PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Teaching in teh one ipad classroom http://blog.drscottfranklin.net/wp-content/uploads//2013/02/HandoutPacket_smallersize.pdf 04:13PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Using QR codes with my special education students. 04:38PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Misty

I did not know how many ways QR codes could be used! 04:38PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Peggy

I am confused about the QR codes. 04:38PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

Share with us your greatest learning takeawaay, a question or a frustration so we can help you find a new solution. 04:38PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

I'm interested in coming up with ideas that can help my students to collaboat 04:38PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Laura

Thank you for sharing how to use a single iPad in a classroom. I look forward to more ideas in the afternoon. 04:39PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

I would like to learn more about using 1 iPad with 20 children. 04:39PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Amanda

I need assistance with making me card QR code 04:39PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

I love the writing apps. They will work well with selected students. I can't wait to use that! Great workshop! 04:39PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Colleen

Enjoyed learning more about QR codes in the classroom. I want to challenge myself to come up with a back to school activity for open house. 04:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris B.

I learned many ways to incorporate QR codes. I am continuing to work out the kinks of how I could use them in my classroom. 04:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brittsny

I am looking forward to learning more apps for the one room iPad. 04:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Colleen

I'm interested in coming up with ideas for ways for my classroom to collaborate with students from another school on a daily basis 04:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Laura

I am excited to use the iPads in different ways. I also am happy to learn so many new things. Thank you Naomi!! 04:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

I liked so many new ideas for using QR codes. 04:40PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by I liked the sharing time about QR codes...I heard a lot of ways I could incorporate QR codes in the classroom.

My take away will be to launch some app learning libraries for teachers in our district to be able to share app lists. 04:42PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jason Schenzel

I'm quite excited to use the QR codes in my classroom! 05:04PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Dawn

http://pics4learning.com/ Good for Picts :) 06:59PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

How do you plan to user Skitch, or Visualize Free or Student Task Cards in your Fall thematic units of study? 07:03PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Adaptation to art project for sped student 07:05PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

With only one iPad, Visualize Free would be a great way to have groups advertise their lit circle books. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Colleen

I would like to use skitch to create a math vocabulary dictionary 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Laura

Using visualize free I can make a page about myself so the students know me. Then they can make one for their special week. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Peggy

I think it would be great to use Visualize Free to do an all about me type of poster to get to know the kiddos and myself. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

Skitch is easy to use for kindergarten students wanting to expand on a picture. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

I'm going to use vis free to intro books & encourage discussion & predictions w/my students through the use of the visuals on the poster. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brittany

Visualize Free would be great to create book posters to tease. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

I plan to display the "poster" made in visualize free to help children brainstorm ideas for discussions during each unit. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by amanda

I could use Vis Free to have students make an "all about me" poster. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris A.
I think the first graders would enjoy using Visualize Free to creatively write and represent word wall words this fall. 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Dawn

I have a student who is very good at art. I think he would like the Visualize Free 07:06PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

I could use the make a poster with students when they do, "All About Me." 07:07PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Sue

Visualize free-student created posters for P/T conference displaying what they have learned about so far this year 07:07PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris B.

The student cards will be helpful to give students roles and responsibilities for electronic projects 07:08PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jason

Cathy 07:59PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

What was your greatest link larning takeaway from our day of training? 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

I was excited to use skitch! My frustration is that some of these things are just too hard to use with prek students. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brittany

There is so much out there we are unfamiliar with. I am so glad I came. Learned lots! 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Colleen

The list of resources, exposure to apps, hands on practice, and collaboration with peers was great. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Wow! So much info. I could use a day to explore each app. Thanks for all the helpful info. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by dawn

A lot of info.. Need more time to explore the apps. Excited to try them with my students. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

I liked how examples were given to use these apps with younger students. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris A.

I liked learning about switch and how to use it with a group of students. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

It was all very inspiring. I 'm excited to use skitch and qr codes. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Laura

If you find that the educreations app upgrades to allow editing after saving please let us know! 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Peggy

Everything!! Thank you so much. I learned a great deal today. Thank you for coming to Medford. 08:00PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

The QR reader/app is going to us useful! 08:01PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Amanda

I enjoyed the hands on learning activities. The possibilities are endless! 08:01PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Kris B.

Thank you to Naomi for coming to Medford and sharing her knowledge, experience. 08:01PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Master iPad List PDF http://goo.gl/HwdRX 08:01PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

So much information! Thank you so much for sharing some usable free apps. 08:01PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

Thanks again for all your knowledge 08:01PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by I am worried that I will forget how to utilize these Apps to the MAX

Thank you to staff for taking time to collaborate, learn, and acquire knowledge for their skills and education of children. 08:02PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Thank you so much for everything. I learned a lot today. 08:02PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Colleen

The biggest take away is that teachers really need to be given professional time to explore and collaborate with other educators. 08:03PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Jason

I'm looking forward to trying primary Writer and qr codes 08:03PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

The best was just getting more used to the IPad. Any suggestions in working with IPads in guidance classes, groups, kids would be great. 08:05PM Wed, 17 July 2013 GMT by Sue

Welcome to day 2! Please share w/ us how you're using iPad technologies in your specialty area w/ students/proessional w/ your daily tasks 12:47PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Transitioning and social opportunities for my students to interact with other students. Incentive time such as first/then. 01:21PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Misty

Looking forward to another day to get up to speed on IPads. 01:21PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sue

My students mostly use the I-pad for learning apps such as Math Bingo 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

special apps for downs syndrome child 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Marsha

As an alternative teaching tool for the subject areas that I teach. 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Tasha

I have been using a iPads with multiple of my students to help them with scheduling, increasing independence, and sensory regulation. 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sarah

I haven't used an iPad with students yet; look forward to getting lots of ideas today. 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

I use it for test practice and basic skill practice. 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Julie Kakes

Assignment notebook, written assignments, keyboarding, vim, fm skill games 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

MyHomework app as assignment notebook, quick searches in class, notetaking in QuickOffice with sped students at high school 01:22PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Beth

I use iPad for my students with articulation errors as well as language difficulties. I have also used it for comm. for children w/ autism. 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Eliza Decker

Scheduling, trying social stories and as a reward. 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

I would like to use the iPad more within the classroom; hopefully today will give me a better insight on how to implement it. 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by OraLee

Skill work, rewards, communication, integrated into daily reading lessons, and online math program 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kris

Students use iPads for research and practicing math skills such as counting money, telling time and simple addition and subtraction 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Nikki

With students I use my iPad for observations, assisting with on-task analysis, etc. 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

Students use iPads for online activities, quizzes, email, homework logs, etc. 01:23PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

As an alternative tool to implementing new strategies as well as transitioning 01:24PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Amber

Internet, Joseph, Facebook,a 01:30PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

Internet, Joseph, Facebook, and the app store. 01:31PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

Appitic http://www.appitic.com/ 01:32PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

App Store and Joseph 01:32PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

App store, Coworkers, recommendations from Joe 01:33PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Nikki

http://www.appymall.com/ 01:33PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kris

App store, my brain, word of mouth from other people. 01:33PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

Talk to colleagues, Caroline, Joseph, app store 01:33PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Beth

Professional organizations, CESA 01:34PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

I have an online subscription to Tech and Learning newsletter. 01:34PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

Apple http://www.apple.com/education/apps/  01:34PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Amber

Coworker recommend 01:34PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Julie Kakes

I use apps recommended by coworkers. 01:35PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Eliza Decker

Joe 01:36PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sue

On my OT website I have a running list of apps 01:37PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Caroline
The 1 iPad Classroom and Lessons http://www.techchef4u.com/?p=2716  01:37PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Scholastic website, Facebook, and colleagues. 01:37PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by OraLee

39 sites for using iPads in the Classroom http://mediaspecialistsguide.blogspot.ca/2011/10/38-sites-on-using-ipads-in-classroom.html  01:37PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

OTs with Apps! http://otswithapps.wordpress.com/  01:38PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

iPad apps for elementary, middle, & high school http://palmbeachschooltalk.com/groups/ipadpilot/ 01:39PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph
iPod and iPad touch resources - Live Binder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/36989  01:40PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

All kinds of great resources for iPads in Education at http://ipadacademy.com  01:41PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Apps in Education http://appsineducation.blogspot.com/  01:42PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

http://teacherswithapps.com/  01:43PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

iEar Education Apps Review http://www.iear.org/  01:44PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

My Easy Bee http://www.myeasybee.com/freebies/  01:45PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Pocket Picture Planner HD 01:47PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

Apps and Autism: http://www.ipodsibilities.com/iPodsibilities/AppsAndAutism.html  01:47PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

App Annie: http://www.appannie.com/top/ipad/united-states/education/  01:48PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

50 resources for students with an iPad http://www.accreditedonlinecolleges.com/blog/2010/50-useful-resources-for-students-with-an-ipad/  01:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

http://www.ipodsibilities.com/iPodsibilities/Home.html  01:50PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Tony Vincent Learning in Hand: http://learninginhand.com/ios/  01:52PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph
Naomi Harm's iPad Resources: http://naomiharm.org/ipadresources.html  01:55PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Naomi's creating a Learning App Library Apptivity - http://naomiharm.org/Master_Apptivities_Naomi_Harm_2_12_13.pdf 01:59PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph
Naomi's iPad Apptivity Presentation in Reedsburg: http://naomiharm.org/Reedsburg%20iPad%20Presentation.pdf  02:00PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Take notes at trainings, use as electronic spell checker with speak and dictionary tools in Notes 02:19PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Beth

What were your learning connections you made this Am to assist you wih productivity or support a student need? 02:48PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Add app resources to my OT website 02:48PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

Multitask bar, gestures, accessibility features 02:48PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Beth

Learned more about accessibility options for students 02:48PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sarah

All the tips and tricks that make the iPad easier to use. 02:48PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

I liked the guided access feature. Great to focus on one app. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

New places to search and find apps. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

A variety of new social skills apps for my students. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Misty

The additional features on notes and all the additional features in settings. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Eliza

All these little tricks to using your iPads to pass unto the students to make it more useable for them also. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sue

Learning about appitics, speaking tool on Notes, My Easy Bee 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

How to monitor student's activity. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Julie

I like the lock feature, because my students surf around a lot. 02:49PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

The guided access is great for my little ones as they are always getting out of the things that I want them in to go to their own choices 02:50PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Amber

Lock feature! My students like to sneak out of apps on me :-) 02:50PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Tasha

Importance of ongoing new iPad purchases, iPad accessibility exploring, and staff development 02:50PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

iPad Custom Guide to find out about all those littel hidden features http://goo.gl/VfNjV  02:54PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Free sped apps listed on Tagboard today http://elearningindustry.com/list-of-free-ipad-apps-for-children-with-special-needs-part-3  04:42PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

AAC apps listed on Appy mall today http://www.appymall.com/appystore/AppsforAAC  04:44PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

QR Code Activites http://pinterest.com/tabithacarro/qr-codes-in-the-classroom/  05:58PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi
QR Codes from Kathy Schrock http://www.schrockguide.net/qr-codes-in-the-classroom.html  05:59PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

www.pics4learning.com  05:59PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sarah
QR codes for Education - http://www.setconnections.org/qrcodes.html  06:01PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

QR Codes in Education - Livebinder resources 06:02PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

QR codes in Education - Livebinder: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/51894  06:02PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

http://www.classtools.net/QR/index.php  06:04PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

Make a qr reader quiz 06:05PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

Make a qr reader quiz... http://www.classtools.net/QR/index.php  06:05PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

50 QR resource codes for the classroom: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/igeneration/50-qr-code-resources-for-the-classroom/16093  06:05PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

QR resource for scavenger hunts: http://www.classtools.net/QR/index.php  06:08PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by This helps generate treasure hunts or scavenger hunts. http://www.classtools.net/QR/index.php

You don't have to buy garage band for iPad you can use your Mac then upload it to google docs. 06:09PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

Step by step how to's for QR's: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/top-teaching/2012/09/qr-codes-classroom  06:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by This helps generate treasure hunts or scavenger hunts. http://www.classtools.net/QR/index.php

Word?HD - 4 pictures and you have to find the common word 06:26PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Great free app today- Leo's Pad Appisodes 1-4 http://goo.gl/B3LTI  07:03PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

http://www.appymall.com/freeapps  07:11PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kris

Group Activity http://goo.gl/zuQt2  07:19PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Sample lesson http://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/medford-recording/9280623/?s=eSSgbg&ref=app  07:55PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Share your greatest learning takeaway, or pose a question you still have, share a lesson idea or insight. 08:09PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

I really liked the Mobicip idea and enjoyed using Skitch! 08:09PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Amber

What is the best way to find out about free apps that are only free one day? 08:09PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sarah

I will try the tag board way to search 08:09PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Caroline

I liked the social stories and becoming more familiar with the apps 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sue

Can you add the list of apps from notes to this board please? 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Sarah

My greatest learning takeaway is our great staff who want to further their knowledge and services for students. Thank you for all you do! 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

Thank you first of all! I am so ready to help intergrade the iPad more for our students to help them learn faster. Thanks again so much! 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Jessica

Learning how to find great apps more efficiently! 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kathy

I really liked the educreations app. I also liked the QR codes. 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Misty

So much, so little time. I do want to create some things in educreations. Thank you, Naomi, and thank you, Joseph, for bringing her here. 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Cathy

Thanks Naomi for all of the great information. I enjoyed learning more about QR. So much is out there to explore. 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Brenda Ann

Today's favorites:ziplock bag & Verbally 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Kris

I found numerous places to search for new ideas incorporating technology. I look forward to use qr readers, educreations, and a few others. 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Paul

Special thanks to Naomi Harm and Innovative Educator for sharing her knowledge and experience with us! 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

I did not realize how many apps.are available. 08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Julie

Apps free for the day http://www.smartappsforkids.com/  08:10PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Thank you! I loved the creative, collaborative tools, qr code ideas, Educreations, and skitch! 08:11PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Beth

Apps gone free 08:11PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Joseph

You made me much more comfortable using the iPad in so many exciting ways. Thank you 08:12PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Marsha

Free app Friday http://blog.momswithapps.com/app-friday/  08:12PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

Appy Mall, Apps Gone Free, Appyshopper are apps to find free apps of the day. 08:12PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Naomi

I loved how user friendly the apps are and how useful they will be in the classroom with students with disabilities 08:15PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Ryan

Learning about the free apps and how to use them. I still want to learn more about the qr app and creating qr codes. 08:15PM Thu, 18 July 2013 GMT by Eliza