Monday, July 30, 2012

ACSW News, Training, and Resources - July 2012

Please check out the CDRC and PIER newsletters for August!
Both great resources of information with - a different twist...
                 PIER -
                                           You may also want to check out the PIER Calendar options - "Activities" -
                                                Please send us your activities and we will gladly list them...
                 CDRC -
***Special Note - If your young adult and you (parent/guardian/teachers) would like to go to
                                8/28/12  Make Integrated Employment Work:   8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kalahari Resort in Wis Dells.
                                10/29-31/12  2012 Statewide Conference on Self-Determination Kalahari Resort in Wis Dells.                                                                  “The Art of Self-Determination  
                                2/21 &22 - Transition Conference - ( For those of you w/kids 14 yrs -21)
                  PIER is working with community and regional partners  to arrange for transportation - give                                       me a call or e-mail me if you are interested!   715-423-7182

8/1  Wood County Public Hearing on the Human Service Department services and budget is scheduled for August 1st from 1:30 - 2:30 pm in the Auditorium at the Wood County Courthouse. 400 Market Street - Wisconsin Rapids.
Wisconsin Rapids -Dances
 6:00pm – 8:30pm -  Biron Town Hall
Bonnie - 886-3689
Community Celebration (Picnic & Music) 5:00pm - 9:00pm  Red Sands Beach - Lake Wazeecha   Free event, bring the family. Community picnic and music. Activities for kids. Food is free & provided by Incourage Community Foundation.   Call 715.952.9020 ext. 142 or Text 142 to 715.952.9020
8/1  Webinar:
Heading for College with Special Health Care Needs; Student Preparation for a Successful Transition

8/2/12   (rain date 8/9)
 Kayak and Cook out!   For people with disabilities.  Family and friends welcome. 10 -3 (lunch, noon-1) Mead Park Beach, Stevens Point 
 Beginners welcome - Volunteers to assist - Pre-registration required  Andrea - 800-382-8484   715-344-4210  ext 231 
Strategies That Work! Creating Success for the Student/Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder  Appleton, 9:00am - 3: Fee , Registration and  Graduate Credit  
8/ 7 –
Bullying & Harassment,
 4-5pm WI FACETS 2012 Phone Training 877-374-0511 or
Why Relationships Matter
6:00 p.m. – 8:00  Marshfield Public Library,   Register 715-387-2326
8/ 7  
Very Early Literacy   ABC Child Care Center III, Marshfield
     6 – 8:30pm  Fee to attend
Phone:(715) 423-4114    (800) 628-8534 or
8/9 –
Decision Making Group Tools & Tips, 12-1pm and 7-8pm
WI FACETS 2012 Phone Training 
Contact Sandra McFarland at 877-374-0511 or
Catholic Charities Friends of Adoption – Summer Picnic
4:30-7:00 pm Red Cloud Park at 520 Powell Street, La Crosse, WI or call 608-782-0710 ext. 223.
Rafter Game in Wisconsin Rapids
supporting Jeremiah's Crossing
8/11/12   Summer picnic with Gettin'Down of Central Wisconsin - 
(Families supporting individuals w/Down Syndrome)  Anytime between 2-6 PM
Martorano's in Marshfield. 
9011 South Washington
# 715-305-3657 
Wisconsin Assn. for Behavior Analysis – Madison - Fee - 
Free admission to presentations for the parents of children with disabilities! 
“Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) 101” Presented by Raina Haralampopoulos    
 6:00pm – 8:00pm   The Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church at 3210 Maple Drive in Plover, WI or call them at 715-491-7243
 8/16 –
Communication Strategies,
 7-8pm  WI FACETS 2012 Phone Training    877-374-0511 or 
8/18/12 - 8/19/12
 Fishing Has No Boundaries Two day event PACKED with fun, fishing, boating and eating.
WHO:  Persons with disabilities, friends, family, guests, attendants.
800-228-3287 or 715-233-1070
8/18/12 - 
Puberty Workshop For Pre-Adolescents with Cognitive Disabilities  
Presenter: Terri Couwenhoven
*** 9:30- 11:30 am  Workshop for Boys     +Snack and refreshments during break 

 This two-hour workshop is designed for parents and their sons ages 11-14.

*** 1:00– 2:30 pm break 3:00– 4:30 pm    Workshop for Girls  

 + Dinner and refreshments will be provided between 2:30 –3:00
Fee - Marshfield 715-305-6580                                                                           
8/18  Another Kind of Horsepower Helping Horses Help Kids Cruise In
Dexter County Park, corner Hwy 80 & Hwy 54      9:00am until 3:00pm  
A custom, classic car, truck, motorcycle, tractor show to benefit Jeremiah's Crossing. Vendors, food, music, fun for the kids, therapeutic riding demo. Please come and join us! Bring your friends and family.
Jeremiah's  Crossing - Open House - Ride-A-Thon
1-5 pm  2240 County Hywy. X  Babcock,
 8/21 – Introduction to Special Education,  4-5pm Phone Training WI FACETS   877-374-0511 or 
 8/22 –
Serving on Groups that Make Decisions:  A Guide for Families Guidebook,  12-1pm  Phone Training WI FACETS    877-374-0511 or 
8/ 25
Positive Solutions and Strategies to Challenging Behaviors for Young Children: The Next Steps    Wintergreen Resort - Wis  Dells.    8:30 a.m. - 12:15   FREE  for Parents and Professionals    877-374-0511.
Innovative Technologies for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Postsecondary Education         2:00-3:30 PM, Eastern (Webinar)

Make Integrated Employment Work:   8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.
Fee is $25 -deadline to register 8/20
Ann or (608) 267-9897
Getting Started: Developing Inclusive College Opportunities for Students with  Intellectual Disabilities
2:00-3:30 PM, Eastern   (Webinar)

Wisconsin Rapids -Dances  Packer Theme  6:00pm – 8:30pm  Biron Town Hall Bonnie - 886-3689
9/6/12 -   
Parent Partnership Meeting    
Marshfield - Public Library 
What is an IEP?
Access to my child
Transportation update  
Please call and confirm time/location may change    715-650-0820 
9/10 to 10/20   
Play-Based Learning:  Empowering Caregivers and Supporting Play-Based Learning with    Jeff Johnson        Platteville -    608-342-1315
 or Toll Free 1-888-281-9472
Step Forward for Kids:
An Evening Celebrating Wisconsin’s Children & Families
5-7, Madison, 608-284-0580 
9/13/12 -
Did You Know - Now You Know  Greenbay -Learn about Medicaid and Medicaid waivers, Family Support, Respite, HealthCheck, insurance issues and how to effectively advocate for your child! Register: 877-568-5205 or Kara at
A Walk for Hope: Raising Suicide Awareness
3:00-6:00 P.M. Wisconsin Rapids Mall to Firefighters Memorial and Back
Leah Fuehrer 715-421-8911
9/17  2012
Autism Fall Conference
Judy Endow will present “Practical Solutions for Life and Learning with Autism”

Madison, or call 920-973-6636.
Marshfield Dance ??? 6:30pm – 8:00pm  Marshfield Wildwood Zoo Pavilion- Soo Line Side 
$1.00 admission
Janice 715 387-4408
Wisconsin Rapids -Dances-
6:00pm – 8:30pm  Halloween
Bonnie - 886-3689
Intersections: focus in on the intersections between disability, employment and public benefits.  Web:
10/4 &5    2012
Collaborative PST Meeting Heidel House in Green Lake
Welcome Autism, CD, EBD, OHI, OI, SLD, and TBI PSTs!
October 4, 2012 Keynote speaker: Dr. Paula Kluth Friday, October 5, 2012 DPI Updates Program/Topic Specific Break-out Sessions Ø Detailed agenda information to follow
10/8   Darkness to Light-
6pm-9pm  -  Greenwood,
Darkness to Light is a sexual abuse prevention training program that educates adults to
prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
Fee: $15 (715) 423-4114 or (800) 628-8534 or
Anxiety and Bipolar Disorders In Adults and Children -- Marshfield
 8:00- 3:30  Fee $ 45.00 -
          Registration - 715-389-6520 
Parents wanting scholarship information should call Karen
715-421-8863  or Leah  715-421-8924.
Brief Overview of Common Mental Health Diagnoses
Disorder and Conduct Disorders.                                  
Anxiety Disorder in Children  
Anxiety Disorder in Adults 
In-depth discussion on bipolar disorder in adults
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Bipolar Disorder in Adults
Annual gallery exhibit IndependenceFirst -full-inclusion of people with disabilities in every aspect of our community, including making, viewing, and exhibiting original artwork. 
Milwaukee, WI  53204. 
10/23/12 -  
"Did You Know? Now You Know!" 5:00 - 8:30 pm  Beaver Dam,  (608) 265-8955 / (800) 532-3321.
Behavior and Mental Health professional development
The Wilderness -Wisconsin Dells
10/29-31/12  2012
Statewide Conference on Self-Determination Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells. “The Art of Self-Determination  BPDD’s YouTube Channel.
11/1 & 2    
"Shift Happens"  The Changing Role of the Disabilities Service Provider
Fee   608-246-6217
Sibshop - Marshfield
  9 a.m. - noon.        Cost is $5, which includes a t-shirt and a snack.
For brothers and sisters age 5-12 with brothers and sisters with special needs.
Call Hayley @ 715-221-7419 or   Kari @ 715-221-8824
11/13  Caring Hands ~Tentative
Keeping All Children Safe & Healthy"
11/ 27  Caring Hands ~Tentative
"Keeping All Children Safe & Healthy"
Wisconsin Rapids
12/6/12 & 12/7/12 -
Assistive Technology across the Lifespan Conference - Wisconsin Dells
2/21 &22 -
Transition Conference - ( For those of you w/kids 14 yrs -21)
New Website Coming Soon!
Kalahari Resort and Waterpark - Wisconsin Dells, 

Remember to check out our web site for updated information on trainings and resources!

As you se we are going to a new site: Please know that we are "underconstruction",
Please also know that:
Wood County now has a Children and Disability Resource Specialist!
Please call ~715-650-0820 - or e-mail:  for Tonya Glamann ~

             Working to address information and resource needs for our children and families.

See the value of therapeutic  Horseback riding - Smiles!

Pam Ironside
PIER - Parents Information and Education Resource
6211 North Park Road
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494

PIER group is a not for profit agency.  All donations go directly to resources outreach for families.  Thank you for your generous support!

PIER is not a legal services agency and cannot provide legal advice or legal representation.   PIER is not a medical  service agency.  Any information contained in this message is not intended as legal or medical advice or endorsement and should not be used as a substitution for legal or medical advice or endorsement.
Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail, including attachments, is intended solely for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential, privileged and/or proprietary information.  Any review, dissemination, distribution, copying, his/her authorized agent is prohibited.  If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the material from your computer.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Did You Know? Now You Know! Training in Medford

Did You Know? Now You Know!
Northern Region of the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs will be hosting a Did You Know? Now You Know! training on Thursday October 11.  This will be held at MAES starting with dinner at 5:00 pm and a program from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.

Northern Region CYSHCN will be offering a "Did You Know? Now You Know!" training that provides a comprehensive overview of health care, community supports and services and resources for children and youth with disabilities and special health care needs from birth through young adulthood. Topics include: Medicaid, Children's Long Term Support Waivers, prior authorizations, medical necessity and appealing a Medicaid denial, Katie Beckett (a doorway into Medicaid for children with disabilities), Family Support Program, respite and more.

Thank you to Northern Region CYSHCN, Taylor County Human Services, and Medford Area Public School District will be collaborating on this event for parents. We will be developing a flyer to send home to interested parents and staff.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance on the I-4:

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance on the I-4:
We will be making one change to how we write the I-4 starting in 12-13.  We will include on this page - bolded sections for:

  • Disability Affect in General Education
  • Functional Performance
  • Academic Achievement
We need to start including how a child's disability affects their progress in the general education curriculum.  A sample of how to write the "Disability Affect in General Education" would include the following:
Joe's learning disability negatively affects his involvement in the general curriculum. His difficulty with performing mathematical calculations, reading and comprehension grade level text results in performance that is not commensurate with general education expectations with his age/grade range.  These skills impact his progress and ability to be involved in the general education curriculum.

RTI for Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities

RTI for Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities
We had over 20 special education, title, and intervention staff participate in our RTI for the identification of SLD training.  We will be implementing this model in our elementary buildings starting September 1, 2012.  This will replace our discrepancy model formula for students with LD.  All buildings must incorporate this model by December 2013.  This information was also shared with administrators at the administrative retreat earlier this week.

Key changes will include: new SLD criteria will include eligibility factors related to - inadequate classroom achievement, insufficient progress, and ruling out exclusionary factors.

Additional requirements also include:

  • two intensive, scientific, research-based or evidence based interventions
  • establishment of a baseline of achievement
  • at least weekly progress monitoring
  • additional IEP team membership - 1) at least one licensed person who is qualified to assess data on individual rate of progress using a psychometrically valid and reliable methodology; 2) at least one licensed person who has implemented evidence based interventions with the referred pupil; 3) at least one licensed person who is qualified conduct individual diagnostic evaluations of children.
  • two observations (one during classroom and one during intervention)
  • specific standards for determining rate of progress
For more information or a copy of the handouts - please contact me. We will have continuing trainings throughout the school year. Thank you to all the staff for their attendance.

Help for Writing IEPs

Help for Writing IEPs
The following information was sent as links and attachments to staff to help in their professional development in writing IEPs for students:
1. A Guide for Writing IEPs

Here is the most recent Department of Public Instruction Guide to Writing IEPs.  I have included it as a direct link at:

This technical assistance guide was updated to provide readers with an overview of how to develop a student's IEP within the framework of the IEP team meeting. This guide does not address evaluation or placement decisions.

The guide begins with an outline of the IEP development process (as completed during an IEP team meeting) and end product (components addressed in the IEP document). Following the outline, there is a summary of each component covered during a typical IEP team meeting. The appendices of the guide include IEP content examples for students of different ages representing a range of disability related needs. The examples illustrate the application of the IEP component summaries and are annotated to provide further guidance for the user. An IEP checklist, references and related resources are also provided.

2. Describing Special Education, Related Services, Supplementary Aids and Services, and Program Modifications and Supports
Here is a DPI Informational Bulletin on how to write and describe special education, related services, supplementary aids and services, and program modifications/supports into the IEP. I have included as a direct link:

3. Transition Components of IEP
I have included three links to information which will help staff stay in compliance with writing transition components of IEPs (required when a student will be at least or turn 14 years of age during an IEP)

Compliance Examples for the Transition Checklist:
Transition Record Review Checklist:
Examples of Coordinated Set of Activities:

4.  IEP Goals and Objectives

Here are excellent resources to use for examples of IEP Goals and Objectives. They can also be found as attachments on our website:

1. 177 page bank of IEP Goals and Objectives in all areas: It is a rather large document so I would not print it off.
2. Students with Autism - Goals with Objectives:
3. Students with Autism - Goals without Objectives:
4. Speech Language -

Monday, July 16, 2012

Special Education and Student Services Newsletter for July 16, 2012

1. Response to Intervention for Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities Training on July 26
This will be held on Thursday July 26 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at the D.O.  We will be implementing this model in our elementary buildings at the start of the 12-13 school year.  This training will include an overview of the law, specific requirements, and discussions on how to implement in our school buildings. Elementary Title I and Special Education Staff are especially encouraged to attend.  Please let Luanne Olson know if you will be in attendance. 

2. Self Assessment of Procedural Compliance Training on July 26
Our Ad Hoc Committee will meet on Thursday July 26 from 9:00 to 11:00 am at the D.O. Staff have been contacted for being on this committee.  Please confirm with Luanne Olson that you will be in attendance.  Information from this process will be shared with all special education staff throughout 12-13.  All procedural compliance and corrective activities need to be completed by November.

3. Wilson Just Words Training on July 30 and 31
This will be held on July 30 and 31 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm at the District Office.  Light breakfast will be served.  Lunch is on your own.  Bring with you a copy of a Just Words Teacher Kit and/or magnetic tile and boards if you have one.  Extras will also be available.  We have three school districts - Medford, Chippewa Falls, and Potosi with staff that will be in attendance. There is limited space available for anyone else interested in attending. Please reserve attendance with Luanne Olson if you have not already.

4. Special Education Paraprofessional Positions
The following positions were posted by the school district: (2) Full-time Special Education Assistants (A1) MAES & MAMS and (1) Part-time Pre-K Assistant (A1) 2 days per week - MAES. Contact Becky Goodrich for more information.

5. Diagnostic Special Education Program Support Teacher
This position has been posted and a job description has been written. Several internal candidates have contacted me with regards to the position and a copy of the job description was sent to them.  There has also been interest expressed by external candidates. Interviews will be held on Thursday August 2nd starting at 9:00 am.

6. School Based Mental Health Counseling Services Update:
Northwest Directions contacted me last week and indicated they are searching for someone to take on Marjorie Marksteiner's school role in 12-13. Marjorie's outpatient practice at her Rapids office is at her max and thus she must end school services shortly into September.  They have an applicant that they are trying to get approved right now.  They hope there will be no lapse in service come Fall.

7. Early Childhood Special Education Programming in 12-13
There will be an ECSE programming meeting on Monday August 13 at 12:00 pm at MAES.  I will be meeting with our ECSE teachers to review staffing alignment, programming, and services for students in 12-13.

8. Medford Adult Diploma Academy
We had two adult students who graduated this summer.  Congratulations to them and their families!  An end of year recognition banquet for graduates will be held on Monday August 21 at Florenas. 

9. Student Teaching Practicum
Cathy Venzke has been approved by her university to do her student teaching over 18 weeks for both her regular and special education practicums.  This will include spending 18 weeks in the morning (MASH) and afternoons (MAES) or vice versa in 12-13. This will allow her to take on more special education responsibilities in preparation for assuming the full time special education teaching position (Wagner) starting second semester.

10. Special Education and Virtual Charter Schools
The Rural Virtual Academy has students receiving special education services. There are often many questions related to special education and RVA.  Here is a link to an excellent resource related to Special Education and Virtual Charter Schools (such as RVA) which can be used as reference in addition to the application of federal and state special education laws:

11. Special Education Flow Thru and Preschool Entitlement Budgets
The 11-12 flow thru and preschool entitlement budget amendments have been submitted and approved by DPI.  The 12-13 flow thru and preschool entitlement budget have also been submitted and approved by DPI.

12. Allocating Special Education Funds for Software Programs
Update from DPI:

Over the past couple of years, the Special Education team has received questions on whether or not a portion of a software package’s cost, used by multiple departments, could be charged to the IDEA grant. The types of programs we have been asked about include READ 180, NovaNet, WordQ, Plato, etc. – programs that are used by both general education and special education, but for different purposes.

The answer to allowability depends entirely on how the software program is being used.  Here are three scenarios and the funding options:

The LEA purchases 20 READ 180 licenses to provide specialized reading instruction to students with disabilities by a special education teacher. The cost of all 20 licenses may be charged to the IDEA grant.

The LEA purchases 70 READ 180 licenses. Of these licenses, 50 are used by a licensed general education reading teacher to provide reading interventions to all students identified as struggling in reading. The group receiving general education reading interventions is made up of both students with and without disabilities. None of the 50 licenses purchased for general education may be charged to the IDEA grant as they are being used to deliver general education, and are therefore not an excess cost.  The remaining 20 READ 180 licenses are used to provide specialized reading instruction to students with disabilities. The cost of these 20 licenses may be charged to the IDEA grant as they are being used to provide special education instruction.

The LEA purchases 50 READ 180 licenses to provide general education reading interventions to all students identified as struggling in reading. The group receiving general education reading interventions is made up of both students with and without disabilities. None of the 50 licenses purchased for general education may be charged to the IDEA grant as they are being used to deliver general education, and are therefore not an excess cost. 

13. State Superintendent's Council on Special Education - Parent Representative
The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is currently soliciting nominations of parents of children with disabilities who are interested in serving on the State Superintendent’s Council on Special Education. The council, required under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), advises the DPI on matters affecting the education of children and youth with disabilities.  For more information about the Council, please visit

Members are appointed by the state superintendent for three-year terms. The council meets quarterly in Madison. During the 2011-12 school year, the Council will meet on November 12, 2012 (12 p.m. – 9 p.m.) and all day on January 4, 2013, April 12, 2013, and July 19, 2013.  The DPI will reimburse council member travel expenses (meals, lodging, and mileage) in accordance with State of Wisconsin guidelines.

If you know of any parents who might be interested, please contact me.

14. Online IEP - Transition
Wisconsin is in the process of developing an online IEP program to lead IEP teams through the Indicator 13 transition requirements. DPI will be requiring that school districts use this tool in the 12-13 school year.  The State of Wisconsin has been identified as a "Needs Assistance" status by OSEP. 

More information will be forthcoming for our Taylor County Transition Advisory Council and Special Education Department on this new on-line IEP program related to transition as it becomes available.

15. Taylor County Project Lifesaver
Channel 9 news anchor Melissa Langbehn has contacted me regarding doing a news story on Taylor County Project Life Saver due to the recent situation involving a autistic child in Prescott being missing.  She heard about Taylor County Project Lifesaver through information distributed on my Twitter account.

16. Early Childhood Indicator Trainings
CESA 10 training will be held on October 22, 2012. This one-day training will provide an overview of Indicator 6: Preschool Environments, Indicator 7: Child Outcomes, and Indicator 12: Early Transitions. Breakout sessions will give participants the opportunity to take an in-depth look at ways to improve performance for specific indicators. Early Childhood is one area that we are assessed on for procedural compliance.  Sheryl Balciar will be a district representative at this training.

17. Special Education School Business at MASH
We will be discussing and planning to start special education school business(es) at MASH to help teach our students more work/job and social skills to help them be more successful in the community and during post-secondary opportunities. This could include in-school businesses aligned with classes and/or creation of aseparate class to teach these skills to students. I have wanted to start this project for the past several years and would like to thank Nikki Gripentrog and Cathy Venzke for taking the lead in this initiative during 12-13. 

18. Private School Children with Disabilities
Every school district has to proportionally share a portion of their special education funding with children with disabilities who are parentally placed in private schools. We are required to meet on an annual basis with representatives from private schools to share funding, discuss how to provide services, etc. Here is the DPI informational bulletin which details our responsibilities:  I plan to meet in August with representatives from the private schools. 

19. Administrative Retreat
I will be at an administrative retreat training on July 24 and 25 and will have limited access to email and phone service during those days. I will check messages when I return to the school district the evening of July 25 or on July 26.

20. 5th year Seniors
We are seeing an increase in the number of students with significant disabilities stay in high school beyond their regular graduating class. This is due in part to decreased funding from the State of Wisconsin to Human Services agencies allowing the students the chance to be employed.  This will require our special education department and district to plan for increased expenditures from our special education budget to allow for work experiences such as BRI for these students.  This will also require additional pullout sections for reading, math, and/or employability skills development. We will have 3 students who will need these type of services in 12-13. 

21. Special Education Caseloads for 12-13
Luanne and I are finalizing the special education caseloads for teachers in 12-13. This will be sent to staff by end of next week.

22. Vacation
I plan to be out of district rest of this week July 17 to July 20 but will still be available through email or phone calls if needed.   

23. IEP Form: P 1 Permission to Place
We are still awaiting for 8 parents to sign and return the IEP Form P 1 Permission to Place.  This allows the school district permission to place a child in special education.  Reminder to staff that the P 1 should be given to parents to sign at an initial IEP meeting so permission can be granted and services can begin.

DPI Autism Related Updates from Autism Consultant Daniel Parker

DPI Autism Related Updates from Autism Consultant Daniel Parker:

1) Save the date for 2012-13 DPI Autism Trainings: Save the date for
these 5 trainings.

The DPI Autism Web page will be updated soon with registration and
more detailed information:

Basic Training, Milwaukee area, September 25 & 26, 2012

Addressing Challenging Behavior Madison area, October 23 and 24 OR
November 6 & 7, 2012 (still finalizing date with hotel)

Addressing Instructional Strategies (new in 2011-2012), Green Bay
Area, January 29 & 30, 2013

Addressing Social Skills (newly revised!), WI Dells area, March 5 & 6,

Communication, Milwaukee area, February 19 & 20, 2013

2) This year’s Cognitive Disabilities Conference titled, “Teaching and
Instruction - Meeting the Academic Needs of Students with Cognitive
Disabilities” will be held August, 14-15, 2012 at the Madison Marriott
West in Middleton, WI. Key note speakers will include Dr. Penelope
Hatch from the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies and the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Literacy) and Dr. Chris
Cain, Associate Professor, Mars Hill College, North Carolina
(Mathematics). Alan Sheinker, Ed. D., Associate Project Director of
the Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium will also keynote this year’s
conference sharing recent information from the Consortium regarding
alternate achievement standards and formative and summative alternate
assessments being developed. To register, please click the link below:

Register Now!

Online event registration

3) Institute on Inclusive Education (attached info).  Attached is the
program and registration information for Wisconsin’s 19th Annual State-
wide Institute on Best Practices in Inclusive Education, which will be
held at the Westwood Conference Center in Wausau, WI on July 23-25,

Information & Registration will be available at:
Flier attached.

Other Statewide Training Information

This information is being passed on from Statewide Autism
Organizations, Universities, Districts, and CESAs in WI and does not
represent DPI’s Autism Trainings or Resources

4) ASW Fall Conference: SEPTEMBER 17, 2012  8:15-3:00, Madison, WI.
Judy Endow presents: Practical Solutions for Life and Learning With
Autism. For more information and registration please see ASW web site:

5) Autism Society of SE Wisconsin has announced three educator
trainings/workshops for summer/fall of 2012.

a) 3-day Summer Symposium on Evidence-based Practices will be June
25-27 at the Jewish Community Center in Whitefish Bay and July 30-
August 1 in Kenosha.  3 optional graduate credits are available for an
addition fee. Instructors are Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan and Mary
Graczyk McMullen.

b) Lights, Camera, Autism - using technology to improve quality of
life; presenters Kate McGinnity, Sharon Hammer, and Lisa Ladson,
August 3rd at WCTC Richard T Anderson Education Center in Pewaukee.
Optional 1 graduate credit available for additional fee.

For more information and registration, visit and click
on the "Educational Programs" tab. Questions?  Call us at (414)
427-9345 or email

6) CESA 1 has announced upcoming training for summer 2012.

Summer SCERTS Academy.  August 6-10, 2012.  8:30 am to 3:30 pm.  CESA
#1 N25W23131 Paul Rd Pewaukee, WI.  Presenter: Emily Rubin, MS, CCC-

SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional
Support) is an innovative educational model for working with children
with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.  More
information and registration at:

7) Two Autism Technology Institutes hosted by WI school districts have
been announced.  Kate McGinnity, Sharon Hammer, and Lisa Ladson are
presenters.  Graduate credits available.

Information for all trainings can be found at

a) June 26 & 27, Elkhorn High School, 9:00-3:00.  $220.  Registration
contact call Karl Pierick at (608) 204-6247 or email at kpierick@icc-

b) July 31 and August 1, New Richmond High School, 9:00-3:00.  $220.
Registration contact call Jackie Montreal 715-243-7419 or

8) Summer Autism Institute hosted by Southern WI School Districts.
August 6-9, Waunakee, WI.  Presenters include Kate McGinnity, Nanette
Negri, self advocates, DPI roundtable, and District Staff.  Graduate
credits available. Contact Joyce Endres at  608-849-2015 for more information.

General Information

This information is being passed on from Statewide Autism
Organizations, Universities, Districts, and CESAs in WI and does not
represent DPI’s Autism Trainings or Resources

9) Free Soft Skills (social/life/job skills) Curriculum.  The Office of Disability
Employment Policy (ODEP) developed Soft skills curriculum available
for download in English or Spanish.

10) Judy Endow’s new book Learning the Hidden Curriculum: The Odyssey
of One Autistic Adult is now available.  This book is a great resource
for educators who want to learn more or assist students with the
“Hidden Curriculum”.  Go to
for more information.

11) Recent blog by Paula Kluth.  3 Questions: Lights! Camera! Autism!
Using Video Technology to Enhance Lives

Posted: 07 May 2012 06:34 AM PDT  “I have been talking about this
fantastic book in many of my workshops, so I thought it was time to
share more information about it on the blog. Read on to hear from the
authors and to learn why this book is so useful and so unique.”

12) Wisconsin E-Brief for Partnership Schools – This is a monthly
newsletter (attached) from WI DPI to promote family-school-community

13) Seclusion and Restraint Resource Guide

The U.S. Department of Education issued a press release on Tuesday,
May 15, announcing the release of a resource guide on seclusion and

Today, the U.S. Department of Education issued a publication that
outlines principles for educators, parents and other stakeholders to
consider when developing or refining policies and procedures to
support positive behavioral interventions and avoid the use of
restraint and seclusion.

The goal of this resource document is to help ensure that schools are
safe and healthy environments where all students can learn, develop
and participate in instructional programs that promote high levels of
academic achievement.

“As education leaders, our first responsibility must be to make sure
that schools foster learning in a safe environment for all of our
children and teachers,” U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said.
“I believe this document is an important step toward this goal. I also
want to salute leaders in Congress for their vigilance on this issue.”

The 15 principles that frame the document ultimately highlight how
school wide behavioral interventions can significantly reduce or
eliminate the use of restraint or seclusion. These guiding principles
offer states, districts and other education leaders a framework for
developing appropriate policies related to restraint and seclusion to
ensure the safety of adults and children.

“Ultimately, the standard for educators should be the same standard
that parents use for their own children,” Duncan added. “There is a
difference between a brief time out in the corner of a classroom to
help a child calm down and locking a child in an isolated room for
hours. This really comes down to common sense.”

The document also provides a synopsis of ongoing efforts by federal
agencies to address national concerns about using restraint and
seclusion in schools, and includes links to state restraint and
seclusion policies and procedures.

To access this document, click

For information on DPI’s updated resources in regards to seclusion and
restraint please go to:

14) Interesting Blog post by Michelle Garcia Winner on DSM V proposed

15) Interesting article on how Marquette University is teaching social
interaction skills to students with autism.

I hope you all have a great summer.  Looking forward to the new school

Take care,


Daniel Parker
Education Consultant
Special Education
Division for Learning Support: Equity and Advocacy
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
(608) 266-5194

Thursday, July 5, 2012

End of Year Summary for Special Education and Student Services

July 5, 2012

Here is my end of year summary which features just some of my responsibilities/programming as the Director of Special Education and Student Services:

Performed the duties of the school psychologist position at our middle and high school for last 3 months of the school year

Recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow at end of Medford Morning Rotary Club awards banquet

Supervised and trained new special education and support staff including: Tasha D, Amy W, Tara N, Beth V, Paul B, Brittany Z, Amanda W, Sam P, and Lorie S

Coordinated our first ever Special Education Family Day events including snowshoeing and movie days

Coordinated and led the tree planting memorial for Chase Ried

Coordinated monthly Wilson Reading trainings for staff

Coordinated the Wilson Reading Level I and Level II Certification process for staff over the past 3 years - we now have 5 staff (Schumacher, Galli, Brandner, Jochimsen, and Woletz) with Level II Certification and 10 staff with Level I Certification as of June 2012.   

Coordinated Wilson Reading instruction being offered for special education and at risk students in every school building in the district

Coordinated the Spring Fling Dance for Grades 7-12 students in special education as sponsored by the Medford Morning Rotary Club and Club DART

Became chairperson and helped form the Taylor County Literacy Council

Trained staff on Educational Technology and iPads at monthly meetings

Chairperson of the Special Education Advisory, Taylor County Early Childhood, Taylor County Literacy Council, Taylor County Transition Advisory Council, CLC Advisory, School Health, Alternative Education, and Taylor County Interagency Communications committees.

Coordinated regular Autism Resource Team meetings – including staff development and guest speakers like Dr. Laura Shank from the Achieve Center and Mike Johnson from the Central Wisconsin Autism Society.

Coordinated the 1st ever Round Table of Community Providers which included 53 people in attendance

Coordinated the NTC/CLC class on Sign Language for Educators – over 30 regular and special education staff in attendance

Promoted Special Education/Student Services on Facebook – 132 people on Facebook and over 400 on Twitter; helped maintain our Blog and Website

Trained community members and staff on using Facebook and Twitter through CLC Adult Education Class

Coordinated the Voyager Math Live program for MAMS

Coordinated School Based Mental Health Counseling Services in our schools for the 1st time

Coordinated job employment experiences at Black River Industries for 5th year seniors

Planned and coordinated Week of the Young Child Activities in Taylor County including: performances, beach party potluck dinner and dance, movie day, dress up days, and more

Coordinated and created the School Health Assistant Program at MAMS

Coordinated monthly special education meetings/training for staff in each building

Trained special education and student services staff on the Mandatory Child Abuse and Neglect Training as it relates to Wisconsin Act 81

Coordinated the Wisconsin Act 309 School Safety/Bullying/Crisis Plan training through DPI at the Taylor County Interagency Communications Committee

Started to plan for the Taylor County Transition Night for Parent/Students through the Taylor County Transition Advisory Council

Attended multiple IEP meetings as the LEA representative with Jessica Martin on maternity leave

Helped write the Taylor County Birth to Three Interagency Agreement

Served as the District Supervisor for the Student Teaching of Kellie Keene through WGU

Helped proofread the Bullying Policy for Medford Area Public Schools

Coordinated the summer TEACCH training for staff and community

Coordinated the Appropriate Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint Training for Staff

Wrote the Diagnostic Special Education Program Support Teacher Job Description

Participated in the Fall and Spring Taylor County Reality Fairs

Coordinator for our Medford Adult Diploma Academy – we now have two graduates and anticipate three more by end of Summer 2012

Collaborated with Northcentral Technical College for them to pay for 10 hours per week of instruction which is increase of 6 hours per week from 10-11.  

We had 100% of our Alternative High School students employed in the community for the first time

Successfully wrote a Weyerhauser Foundation Grant for $5,000 for a job coach at our Alternative High School.

Attended the Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference with Jeff Albers and Laura Lundy

Coordinated the PBIS statewide training attendance for building leadership teams

Coordinated with early education staff – monthly Families Being Involved workshops for pre-kindergarten families.

Coordinated and trained staff on Parental Outreach Activities – this helps the district count pre-kindergarten students as .6 FTE instead of .5 FTE